How to use CHAR Function In SQL

An alternative method is to use the ASCII code for a single quotation along with the CHAR function (39). Using this technique to create dynamic SQL statements in stored procedures is quite helpful:

 -- Update the last name of the customer with id 2 using CHAR function
UPDATE customers
SET last_name = 'O' || CHAR(39) || 'Neill'
WHERE id = 3;

The single quotation character is represented by the CHAR(39) function, which offers a simple and direct method of escaping it inside the string.

After updating the table the output looks like:

Explanation: The SQL statement updates the last_name column of the customer table, concatenating the string ‘O’ with the character represented by ASCII code 39 (apostrophe), and then appending ‘Neill‘. It modifies the last name of the customer with ID 3 to “O’Neill”.

How to Escape a Single Quote in SQL ?

Structured Query Language (SQL) is an essential tool for manipulating relational databases in the growing field of data management. Knowing SQL is essential for accurate and effective data manipulation and retrieval regardless of the background of a software developer, a database administrator, or an aspiring data analyst.

One of the most effective tools for maintaining and working with relational databases is Structured Query Language (SQL). However, one common problem when working with SQL is having to escape specific characters, such as single quotes. This article will discuss the significance of escaping single quotes in SQL, the possible drawbacks of doing so, and workable solutions for this kind of scenario.

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1. Using Double Single Quotes(”)

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2. Using CHAR Function

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To maintain data integrity and avoid syntax errors, single quotes in SQL must be escaped from the table. Effective database management requires that you know how to handle single quotes in your SQL queries, whether you use the CHAR function or the double single quote method. Through the application of these strategies, you will be able to handle the subtleties of SQL syntax, reduce possible security threats, and preserve the stability of your database functions....