How to use std::wstring and std::wstring_convert (C++17 or later) In C++

Starting from C++17, the <string> header introduced new overloads of std::string constructors and member functions that accept wide-character string inputs. Combined with std::wstring_convert, this provides an alternative approach.


  • The code demonstrates an alternative approach to convert a wide-character string to a std::string using the wstring_convert class template and the codecvt_utf8_utf16 codecvt facet.
  • Instead of creating a std::wstring object separately, it directly converts the LPCWSTR to a std::string by constructing a temporary wstring object within the converter.to_bytes function call.
  • This saves a step in the conversion process.



#include <codecvt>
#include <iostream>
#include <locale>
#include <string>
#include <windows.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to convert LPCWSTR to std::string
string ConvertLPCWSTRToString(LPCWSTR lpcwszStr)
    // Create a converter object to convert between wide
    // strings and UTF-8 encoded strings
    wstring_convert<codecvt_utf8_utf16<wchar_t> > converter;
    // Convert the LPCWSTR to a wstring and then to an
    // std::string
    return converter.to_bytes(wstring(lpcwszStr));
int main()
    // Example LPCWSTR
    LPCWSTR wideStr = L"w3wiki";
    // Convert LPCWSTR to std::string
    string str = ConvertLPCWSTRToString(wideStr);
    // Print the converted string
    cout << str << endl;
    return 0;




  • The LPCWSTR input is directly converted to a std::wstring object.
  • The std::wstring object is then passed to the to_bytes member function of the std::wstring_convert object, which converts it to a std::string using the specified encoding.

Convert LPCWSTR to std::string in C++

In C++, strings can be represented using different character encodings. LPCWSTR stands for Long Pointer to Constant Wide STRing. The LPCWSTR type represents a wide string using the UTF-16 encoding, while the std::string type typically represents a narrow string using the UTF-8 encoding. Converting between these two types requires careful handling of character encodings to ensure data integrity.

In this article, we’ll explore three different approaches to convert an LPCWSTR to a std::string in C++.

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