How to use the ISODate format In MongoDB

MongoDB also allows us to store dates and times using a special format called ISODate. This format follows the ISO 8601 standard for representing dates and times. Using ISODate can be helpful when we need to store dates and times in a specific format or when working with data that follows this standard.


db.ProductsInformation.insertOne({"ProductId":"Product-2","ProductDeliveryDateTime":new ISODate()})


Using the ISODate format

To view all the documents in the ProductsInformation collection, including the ones we just inserted, we can use the find() method with the pretty() option to format the output:

Final Output:

Final Output


  • The first document has ProductId set to “Product-1” and ProductDeliveryDateTime set to an ISODate value representing the date and time when it was inserted using new Date().
  • The second document has ProductId set to “Product-2” and ProductDeliveryDateTime set to an ISODate value representing the date and time when it was inserted using new ISODate(). Both documents have their unique _id values (ObjectIds) automatically generated by MongoDB.

What is the Best Way to Store Date/Time in MongoDB

Accurate storage of date and time is crucial for a wide range of applications, including social media platforms, financial systems, and messaging apps. Properly stored dates enable sequential sorting, date range queries. MongoDB’s flexible schema allows for efficient date/time storage, providing developers with the tools they need to manage temporal data effectively.

In this article, We will learn about What is the Best Way to Store Date/Time in MongoDB along with the practical implementation and so on.

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What is the Best Way to Store Date/Time in MongoDB?

Accurate date/time storage is essential for various applications, such as social media platforms, financial systems, and messaging apps. Properly stored dates enable Sequential sorting, date range queries, and data analytics. MongoDB’s flexible schema allows for efficient date/time storage, providing developers with the tools they need to manage temporal data effectively. below method is the Best Way to Store Date/Time in MongoDB very effectively....

1. Using the Date Object Method

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2. Using the ISODate format

MongoDB also allows us to store dates and times using a special format called ISODate. This format follows the ISO 8601 standard for representing dates and times. Using ISODate can be helpful when we need to store dates and times in a specific format or when working with data that follows this standard....


In MongoDB, By storing dates and times accurately in MongoDB, applications can display information in the correct order, filter data based on date ranges, and perform other useful operations involving time. The Date Object Method and the ISODate format provide developers with versatile options for storing date/time values in MongoDB, ensuring data integrity and allow efficient data retrieval and manipulation....

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the two ways to store dates and times in MongoDB?...