How to use updateOne() Method with $unset Operator In MongoDB

  • The updateOne() method is used to update a single document that matches the specified filter criteria in a collection. If multiple documents match the filter, only the first document encountered is updated.




  • Model: This is the Mongoose model that we want to update.
  • filter: This is the filter that selects the document to update. It can be an object that specifies the query criteria.
  • update: This is the update operator that specifies the changes to make to the document. In the example, we used `$unset` operator to delete the `address` field.
  • options: This is an optional object that contains options for the update operation. For example, we can specify the `upsert` option to create a new document if no document matches the filter.
  • callback: This is an optional callback function that is called when the update operation is complete. It takes an error object and a result object as arguments

Let’s set up an Environment

To understand How to Delete a key from a MongoDB document using Mongoose we need a collection and some documents on which we will perform various queries. Here we will consider a collection called courses which contains information like course name, Instructore name, fees and date of the courses in various documents.

Example 1: Removing the Fees key from the document

Add the code into the queryData.js file and run using node queryData.js command


const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const Course = require("./model");
const db = require("./dbConnect");

async function deleteKeyFromDocument() {
try {
await Course.updateOne({}, { $unset: { Fees: 1 } });
console.log("Key deleted successfully from document");
const courses = await Course.find({});
console.log("Courses after deletion:");
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error deleting key:", error);
} finally {





  • The async function uses the Course.updateOne() method to update the document in the collection by removing the  Fees key from first document. with the help of the $unset operator.
  • After the update operation, the function logs a success message to the console and then uses Course.find({}) to retrieve all the courses from the database. These courses are then logged to the console.

Example 2: Removing the Instrctutor key from the document


const mongoose = require("mongoose");
const Course = require("./model");
const db = require("./dbConnect");

async function deleteKeyFromDocument() {
try {
await Course.updateOne({}, { $unset: { Instructor: 1 } });
console.log("Key deleted successfully from document");
const courses = await Course.find({});
console.log("Courses after deletion:");
} catch (error) {
console.error("Error deleting key:", error);
} finally {





  • The async function uses the Course.updateOne() method to update the document in the collection by removing the Instructor key from the first document. with the help of the $unset operator.
  • After the update operation, the function logs a success message to the console and then uses Course.find({}) to retrieve all the courses from the database. These courses are then logged to the console.

How to Delete a Key from a MongoDB Document using Mongoose?

MongoDB is a popular NoSQL database that stores data in flexible, JSON-like documents. When working with MongoDB using Mongoose, a MongoDB object modeling tool designed to work in an asynchronous environment and developers encounter scenarios where they need to delete a key from a document.

In this article, We will learn about the process of deleting a key from a MongoDB document using Mongoose by understanding the various methods along with the examples and so on.

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Overall, the Deleting a key from a MongoDB document using Mongoose is a straightforward process that involves using the findOneAndUpdate() method with the $unset operator. This approach allows you to modify MongoDB documents efficiently and is particularly useful when you need to remove unnecessary or sensitive data from your documents....