What are VTABLE and VPTR?

The vtable is a table of function pointers. It is maintained per class. vptr is a pointer to vtable. It is maintained per object (See this for an example). The compiler adds additional code at two places to maintain and use vtable and vptr. 

  • Code in every constructor. This code sets the vptr of the object being created. This code sets vptr to point to vtable of the class. 
  • Code with polymorphic function call (e.g. bp->show() in above code). Wherever a polymorphic call is made, the compiler inserts code to first look for vptr using a base class pointer or reference (In the above example, since the pointed or referred object is of the derived type, vptr of a derived class is accessed). Once vptr is fetched, vtable of derived class can be accessed. Using vtable, the address of the derived class function show() is accessed and called.

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