What do you mean by SSR?

SSR stands for Server-Side Rendering. It’s a technique used in web development where the server processes the React or other JavaScript framework code and generates the HTML on the server side, sending the fully rendered HTML to the client’s browser.

Here’s a brief overview of the SSR process:

  1. Request from Client: When a user makes a request to a server for a web page, the server receives the request.
  2. Server-Side Processing: Instead of sending just a blank HTML shell or a minimal document, the server executes the JavaScript code associated with the requested page, fetches data if needed, and renders the complete HTML content on the server side.
  3. Sending Rendered HTML to Client: The fully rendered HTML, along with any necessary CSS and JavaScript, is sent as a response to the client’s browser.
  4. Client-Side Hydration: Once the HTML is received by the browser, any JavaScript code needed for interactive elements or further client-side rendering is executed. This process is known as “hydration.”

Next JS Interview Questions and Answers (2024)

The Next JS stack, often referred to as the “N stack” (Next JS stack), is a comprehensive web development framework designed to streamline the creation of modern web applications. It is built around Next JS, a powerful React-based framework that adds additional capabilities for server-side rendering, routing, and more.

Let’s discuss some common Next JS interview questions that will help to clear interviews, particularly for frontend development roles. These questions are designed to assess your proficiency in Next JS and your ability to work on the front end of web applications.

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1. What is Next JS?

Next JS is an open-source web development React-based framework created by Vercel, which is famous for its unique features such as Server-side rendering and enhanced SEO. It has some additional features such as data fetching utilities, dynamic API routes, optimized builds, etc. It is a framework built upon React, Webpack, and Babel....

2. How Next is different from other JavaScript frameworks?

Next.js is a JavaScript framework that is primarily designed for building React applications. Here are some key ways in which Next JS differs from other JavaScript frameworks:...

3. What is the process of installing Next JS?

Below is the step by step process of installing the Next JS:...

4. Write a Hello World Program in Next JS?

In Next.js, creating a “Hello World” program involves setting up a simple React component within a file in the app directory. Here’s a basic example:...

5. Mention some features of Next JS.


6. What do you mean by SSR?

Next.js is a powerful React framework that offers various features to simplify and enhance the development of web applications. Here are some key features of Next.js:...

7. What are the benefits of using Next JS?

SSR stands for Server-Side Rendering. It’s a technique used in web development where the server processes the React or other JavaScript framework code and generates the HTML on the server side, sending the fully rendered HTML to the client’s browser....

8. What is DOM?

Next.js is a popular React framework that brings several benefits to web development. Here are some of the key advantages of using Next.js:...

9. How does Next JS handle client-side navigation?

DOM stands for Document Object Model. It is a programming interface for web documents. The DOM represents the structure of a document as a tree of objects, where each object corresponds to a part of the document, such as elements, attributes, and text....

10. Explain the concept of dynamic routing in Next JS:

Next.js uses a client-side navigation approach that leverages the HTML5 History API. This enables smooth transitions between pages on the client side without a full page reload. The framework provides a built-in Link component that facilitates client-side navigation, and it supports both traditional anchor () tags and programmatically navigating through the next/router module....

11. What is meant by Styled JSX in Next JS?


12. Is Next JS backend, frontend, or full-stack?


13. Difference between the pre-rendering types available in Next JS.

Dynamic routing in Next.js refers to the ability to create routes for pages with dynamic parameters, allowing you to build pages that can handle different data or content based on the values of these parameters. Instead of creating a separate page for each variation, you can use a single page template and dynamically generate content based on the provided parameters....

14. What is client-side rendering, and how does it differ from server-side rendering?

We employ the Styled JSX CSS-in-JS library to create encapsulated and scoped styles for styling Next JS components. This ensures that the styles introduced to a component have no impact on other components, enabling seamless addition, modification, and removal of styles without affecting unrelated parts of the application....

15. How do you pass data between pages in a Next JS application?

Next JS is considered a full-stack framework, offering the capability to render content on both the client-side and server-side. This feature is particularly valuable in the context of React, as React by itself primarily focuses on frontend development without built-in server-side rendering capabilities....

16. What is the difference between  getServerSideProps & getStaticProps functions in Next.js?

Static Generation (SG) Server-Side Rendering (SSR) Generation Timing HTML is generated at build time. HTML is generated on each request. Reuse of HTML The pre-generated HTML can be reused on every request. HTML is generated anew for each request. Recommendation Recommended for performance and efficiency. Suitable for cases where content changes frequently or cannot be determined at build time. Export Methods: Export the page component or use ‘getStaticProps‘ Export ‘getServerSideProps‘ Build Time Dependency: Less dependent on server resources during runtime. Depends on server resources for generating content dynamically. Performance Typically faster as HTML is pre-generated. Can introduce higher server load due to on-the-fly HTML generation. Caching Easily cache static HTML. Requires server-side caching mechanisms. Scalability Scales well as static content can be served efficiently. May require additional server resources to handle dynamic content generation....

17. What is the purpose of the getStaticPaths function in Next JS?

Client-side rendering (CSR) involves rendering a web page on the client’s browser through JavaScript after the initial delivery of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript from the server. The primary distinction between SSR and CSR lies in the fact that SSR transmits a completely rendered HTML page to the client’s browser, whereas CSR delivers an initially empty HTML page that is then populated using JavaScript....

18. What is the purpose of the useEffect hook in React, and how does it relate to Next JS?

Next JS provides several ways to pass data between pages in a Next JS application, including URL query parameters, the Router API, and state management libraries like Redux or React Context. You can also use the getServerSideProps function to fetch data on the server and pass it as props to the page component....

19. What do you understand by code splitting in Next JS?

getServerSideProps getStaticProps Timing of Execution Executes on every request. Executes at build time. Server-Side vs. Static Generation Used for server-side rendering (SSR). Used for static site generation (SSG). Dynamic vs. Static Content Suitable for pages with frequently changing or dynamic content. Ideal for pages with relatively static content that can be determined at build time. Dependency on External Data Fetches data on every request, allowing for real-time updates. Fetches data at build time, so the data is static until the next build. Use of context Object Receives a context object containing information about the request. Also receives a context object, but primarily used for dynamic parameters. Error Handling Handles errors during each request. Errors during data fetching result in a build-time error. Return Object Structure: Returns an object with a props key. Returns an object with a props key, but may also include a revalidate key for incremental static regeneration. Performance Considerations Tends to be slower due to on-the-fly data fetching on each request. Generally faster as data is fetched at build time, reducing server load....

20. How do you handle data fetching in Next JS?

The `getStaticPaths` function is employed to create dynamic paths for pages that involve dynamic data. This function is invoked during the build process, allowing the generation of a list of potential values for the dynamic data. The data produced by `getStaticPaths` is subsequently utilized to produce static files for each conceivable value....

21. What are the different options for styling Next JS apps?

The useEffect hook is used to perform side effects in a functional component, such as fetching data from an API or updating the document title. In Next JS, the useEffect hook can be used to perform client-side data fetching using the fetch API or third-party libraries like Axios or SWR....

22. How do you work with custom server middleware in Next JS?

In general, code splitting stands out as one of the most compelling features provided by webpack. This functionality allows us to divide our code into multiple bundles, which can be loaded either on-demand or in parallel. Its primary purpose is to create smaller bundles and enables us to manage the prioritization of resource loading, ultimately contributing significantly to improved load times....

23. Explain the purpose of the _app.js file in Next JS.

In Next.js, data retrieval from an external API or database can be achieved using the built-in functions, namely, `getStaticProps` or `getServerSideProps`. The `getStaticProps` function fetches data during the build process and provides it as props to the page, whereas `getServerSideProps` fetches data for each incoming request. Alternatively, client-side data fetching libraries such as `axios` or `fetch` can also be employed in conjunction with the `useEffect` or `useState` hooks....

24: How would you implement server-side rendering (SSR) for a Next JS page?

Various styling options are available for Next.js applications, ranging from CSS modules and CSS-in-JS libraries like styled-components or emotion to the use of global CSS files....

25. Explain the concept of “Serverless” deployment in the context of Next JS. How does it work, and what are the advantages?

In Next JS, incorporating custom server middleware involves creating a Node.js server. The `use` method of the server object allows the addition of middleware. This can be implemented in the `server.js` file situated in the root directory of the Next JS application. Middleware functions are added using the `app.use` method, providing the capability to modify both incoming requests and outgoing responses....

26. What are some best practices for debugging and testing Next JS applications?

The `_app.js` file serves as the pivotal component for the entire Next JS application. It provides the flexibility to override the default App component supplied by Next JS, enabling customization of the application’s behavior across all pages. Typically utilized for tasks such as incorporating global styles, persisting layout components, or initializing third-party libraries....

27. Why use Create Next App?

Javascript import React from 'react';    const PageAbout =   ({ dataFromServer }) => {     return

;   };    export async function getServerSideProps() {   const dataFromServer = 'Server-rendered data for this page';      return {     props: {       dataFromServer,     },   }; }    export default PageAbout;...

28. What is Image Component and Image Optimization in Next JS?


29. What is Environment Variables in Next JS?

Deploying your Next.js application serverlessly involves hosting it on platforms such as Vercel or Netlify. In this setup, there’s no need to manage traditional server infrastructure. These platforms handle server-side rendering, routing, and other aspects automatically, providing advantages such as effortless scaling, cost efficiency, and streamlined deployment....

30. What is Docker Image in Next JS?

Debugging Next.js applications can be done using browser developer tools, the built-in console API, and third-party debugging tools. For testing, you can use libraries like Jest and React Testing Library to write unit and integration tests. Additionally, use linting tools and the built-in TypeScript or ESLint support to catch code issues early....

31. What is the difference between Next JS and React JS?

create-next-app allows you to swiftly initiate a new Next JS application. Officially maintained by the creators of Next JS, it offers several advantages:...

32. How can the data be fetched in Next JS?

The Next.js Image component, next/image, represents a modern evolution of the HTML element with built-in performance enhancements tailored for the contemporary web....

33. Explain the concept of “prefetching” in Next JS and how it impacts performance:

Next.js is equipped with native support for managing environment variables, providing the following capabilities:...

34. Can you explain how to internationalize a Next JS application to support multiple languages?

Next JS is deployable on hosting providers that offer support for Docker containers. This approach is applicable when deploying to container orchestrators like Kubernetes or HashiCorp Nomad, or when operating within a single node on any cloud provider....

35. How can you handle cross-origin requests (CORS) in a Next JS application when making API requests to a different domain?

Next JS React The Next JS framework was developed by Vercel. The React front-end library was originated by Facebook. Next JS, an open-source framework based on Node.js and Babel, seamlessly integrates with React to facilitate the development of single-page apps. React, a JavaScript library, empowers the construction of user interfaces through the assembly of components. Next JS, functioning as a framework, leverages React to create both individual UI components and entire web app pages. Within a framework, React JS functions as a library, particularly specializing in the UI components section. Next JS applications exhibit exceptional speed due to static sites and server-side rendering. They are inherently efficient, benefiting from out-of-the-box performance enhancements such as Image Optimization. In the context of React, certain factors make it less suitable for consideration. It inherently supports only client-side rendering by default, a limitation that falls short in constructing a high-performance application. To generate pages for a Next JS project, we include the page in the “pages” folder along with the necessary header component link. This simplification is advantageous as it reduces code volume and enhances project comprehensibility. Initially, we need to craft a component, and subsequently, we incorporate it into the router to formulate a page for a React project....

36. What is serverless architecture, and how does it relate to Next JS?

We can use multiple methods for fetching data, such as:...

37. How do you optimize the performance of a Next JS application?

In Next.js, prefetching is a mechanism wherein the framework autonomously initiates the download of JavaScript and assets for linked pages in the background. This proactive approach minimizes navigation time, enhancing the overall user experience with a smoother and faster transition between pages....

38. Explain the purpose of the getServerSideProps function.

Next.js facilitates internationalization (i18n) through the adoption of libraries such as next-i18next or by developing custom solutions. This process encompasses tasks like translating text and content, managing language-based routing, and implementing a mechanism that allows users to seamlessly switch between languages. Ensuring effective i18n is crucial for ensuring your application is accessible to a diverse global audience....

39. What is the purpose of the next.config.js excludes property?

To enable CORS, configure the server or API endpoint receiving your requests. CORS headers may need to be established to permit requests from the domain of your Next.js application. Another option is utilizing serverless functions as proxy endpoints to manage CORS headers effectively....

40. Explain the purpose of the next.config.js headers property.

Serverless architecture is a cloud computing paradigm where the cloud provider takes care of managing the infrastructure, scaling resources automatically based on demand. To leverage serverless architecture with Next.js, one can deploy the application onto serverless platforms such as AWS Lambda or Google Cloud Functions. This approach allows for efficient resource utilization and automatic scaling in response to varying workloads....

41. What is the purpose of the next.config.js experimental property?

Optimizing the performance of a Nextjs application involves various strategies such as code splitting, lazy loading, image optimization, server-side caching, and CDN caching. Additionally, leveraging performance monitoring tools like Lighthouse or WebPageTest can help pinpoint areas that require improvement....

42. What is the purpose of the next.config.js redirects property?

The getServerSideProps function in Next.js plays a crucial role in achieving server-side rendering (SSR) for dynamic pages. When a user requests a page, this function runs on the server and fetches data dynamically, allowing the page to be pre-rendered with the most up-to-date information....

43. What is the purpose of the next.config.js rewrites property?

The excludes property in the next.config.js file is used to specify patterns for files and directories that should be excluded from the automatic code splitting and bundling performed by Next.js. By defining exclusion patterns, developers can control which files are not subject to the default behavior of code splitting....

44. How can you achieve dynamic route-based code splitting without using getServerSideProps in Next.js?


45. Describe scenarios where you would choose to use getStaticProps over getServerSideProps, and vice versa.

The headers property in the next.config.js file is used to define custom HTTP headers that should be included in the responses served by your Next.js application. This property allows developers to set various HTTP headers, such as caching policies, security-related headers, and other custom headers, to control how browsers and clients interact with the application....

46. Explain the purpose of the next export command. When would you use it, and what are its limitations?


47. What is the significance of the _error.js and 404.js files in the pages directory, and how can they be customized for error handling in Next.js?

The experimental property in next.config.js serves two main purposes in Next.js:...


The redirects property empowers you to establish server-side redirects for incoming requests within your Next.js application. This means you can seamlessly guide users and search engines to different URLs without relying on client-side routing or additional server-side logic....



48. How can you implement conditional redirects in Next.js based on certain criteria, such as user authentication status or role?

The rewrites property offers a powerful mechanism for rewriting incoming request paths to different destination paths within your Next.js application....

49. Explain the purpose of the publicRuntimeConfig and serverRuntimeConfig options in Next.js. How do they differ from regular environment variables?


50. How can you implement custom error boundaries in a Next.js project to gracefully handle errors and prevent the entire application from crashing?

Here are two effective ways to achieve dynamic route-based code splitting in Next.js without relying on getServerSideProps:...