What security features does Redis offer?


Redis offers basic security features like client authentication (via requirepass directive), command renaming or disabling (to avoid dangerous commands being used), and encrypted connections (using SSL in newer versions). However, for maximum security, it should be run in a trusted network environment.

Top 25 Redis Interview Questions

Redis stands for Remote Dictionary Server. It has become very important in modern application architecture due to its exceptional performance as an in-memory data structure store. It supports a variety of data structures such as strings, hashes, lists, and sets, making it extremely versatile for different programming needs. Interviews for positions involving Redis are becoming more and more common. In this article, we have compiled the most frequently asked Redis interview questions to help you prepare effectively.

Top Redis Interview Questions

  • What is Redis and why is it used?
  • How does Redis differ from traditional databases like MySQL?
  • What are Redis hashes?
  • Can Redis be used in a multi-threaded application, and how does it handle concurrency?
  • What is pub/sub in Redis?
  • How do you ensure persistence in Redis?
  • Explain the concept of Redis transactions.
  • What are the main differences between RDB and AOF?
  • How can you scale Redis?
  • What are Redis data types and their use cases?
  • Explain how Redis uses keys.
  • What is Key Eviction, and how is it configured?
  • How does Redis manage memory?
  • What is Redis clustering, and why is it important?
  • Describe a scenario where Redis is not the appropriate choice.
  • 16. How can you monitor and debug Redis performance issues?
  • What security features does Redis offer?
  • Explain how Lua scripting is used in Redis.
  • How do you handle caching in a distributed environment using Redis?
  • What is the impact of persistence settings on Redis performance?
  • Describe Redis Sentinel and its role.
  • What are Redis Modules, and how do they enhance functionality?
  • How do you optimize Redis for high read volumes?
  • Explain the use of Pipelining in Redis.
  • Discuss the limitations of Redis regarding data size and type.

Here is a list of 25 Redis interview questions, starting from basic to more complex topics. This will help in preparing for interviews at various levels of difficulty.

Similar Reads

1. What is Redis and why is it used?


2. How does Redis differ from traditional databases like MySQL?


3. What are Redis hashes?


4. Can Redis be used in a multi-threaded application, and how does it handle concurrency?


5. What is pub/sub in Redis?


6. How do you ensure persistence in Redis?


7. Explain the concept of Redis transactions.


8. What are the main differences between RDB and AOF?


9. How can you scale Redis?


10. What are Redis data types and their use cases?


11. Explain how Redis uses keys.


12. What is Key Eviction, and how is it configured?


13. How does Redis manage memory?


14. What is Redis clustering, and why is it important?


15. Describe a scenario where Redis is not the appropriate choice.


16. How can you monitor and debug Redis performance issues?


17. What security features does Redis offer?


18. Explain how Lua scripting is used in Redis.


19. How do you handle caching in a distributed environment using Redis?


20. What is the impact of persistence settings on Redis performance?


21. Describe Redis Sentinel and its role.


22. What are Redis Modules, and how do they enhance functionality?


23. How do you optimize Redis for high read volumes?


24. Explain the use of Pipelining in Redis.


25. Discuss the limitations of Redis regarding data size and type.
