Abstraction in Java

Q1. Why do we use abstract?

One key reason we use abstract concepts is to simplify complexity. Imagine trying to explain the entire universe with every single atom and star! Abstracts let us zoom out, grab the main ideas like gravity and energy, and make sense of it all without getting lost in the details.

Here are some other reasons why we use abstract in Java:

1. Abstraction: Abstract classes are used to define a generic template for other classes to follow. They define a set of rules and guidelines that their subclasses must follow. By providing an abstract class, we can ensure that the classes that extend it have a consistent structure and behavior. This makes the code more organized and easier to maintain.

2. Polymorphism: Abstract classes and methods enable polymorphism in Java. Polymorphism is the ability of an object to take on many forms. This means that a variable of an abstract type can hold objects of any concrete subclass of that abstract class. This makes the code more flexible and adaptable to different situations.

3. Frameworks and APIs: Java has numerous frameworks and APIs that use abstract classes. By using abstract classes developers can save time and effort by building on existing code and focusing on the aspects specific to their applications.

Q2. What is the Difference between Encapsulation and Data Abstraction?

Here are some key difference b/w encapsulation and abstration:



Encapsulation is data hiding(information hiding) Abstraction is detailed hiding(implementation hiding).
Encapsulation groups together data and methods that act upon the data Data Abstraction deal with exposing the interface to the user and hiding the details of implementation
Encapsulated classes are Java classes that follow data hiding and abstraction Implementation of abstraction is done using abstract classes and interface
Encapsulation is a procedure that takes place at the implementation level abstraction is a design-level process

Q3. What is a real-life example of data abstraction?

Television remote control is an excellent real-life example of abstraction. It simplifies the interaction with a TV by hiding the complexity behind simple buttons and symbols, making it easy without needing to understand the technical details of how the TV functions.

Q4. What is the Difference between Abstract Classes and Interfaces in Java?

Here are some key difference b/w Abstract Classes and Interfaces in Java:

Abstract Class


Abstract classes support abstract and Non-abstract methods Interface supports have abstract methods only.
Doesn’t support Multiple Inheritance Supports Multiple Inheritance
Abstract classes can be extended by Java classes and multiple interfaces The interface can be extended by Java interface only.
Abstract class members in Java can be private, protected, etc. Interfaces are public by default.


public abstract class Vechicle{
public abstract void drive()


public interface Animal{
void speak();

Abstraction in Java

Abstraction in Java is the process in which we only show essential details/functionality to the user. The non-essential implementation details are not displayed to the user. 

In this article, we will learn about abstraction and what abstract means.

Simple Example to understand Abstraction:

Television remote control is an excellent example of abstraction. It simplifies the interaction with a TV by hiding the complexity behind simple buttons and symbols, making it easy without needing to understand the technical details of how the TV functions.

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Abstraction in Java – FAQs
