Accessing the Array Elements

Use indices to access array elements. Indices of Arrays are zero-based which means the index of the elements begins with zero. 

let fruits = ['Apple', 'Mango', 'Banana'];
console.log(fruits [0]);


JavaScript Indexed Collections

Indexed collections in JavaScript refer to data structures like arrays, where elements are stored and accessed by numerical indices. Arrays allow for efficient storage and retrieval of ordered data, providing methods for manipulation and traversal of their elements.


an array called ‘student’ contains the names of the students and the index values are the Roll Numbers of the students. JavaScript does not have an explicit array data type. However, we can use the predefined Array object in JavaScript and its methods to work with arrays. 

Creating an Array: There are many ways to create and initialize an array that is listed below:

  • Creating arrays without defining the array length. In this case, the length is equal to the number of arguments.


let arr = new Array( element0, element1, ... );   
let arr = Array( element0, element1, ... );       
let arr = [ element0, element1, ... ];  
  • Creating an array with the given size


let arr = new Array(6); 

let arr = Array(6);

let arr = [];
arr.length = 6;
  • Create a variable-length array and add many elements as you need.
// First method: Initialize an empty
// array then add elements
let students = [];
students [0] = 'Sujata Singh';
students [1] = 'Mahesh Kumar';
students [2] = 'Leela Nair';
// Second method: Add elements to
// an array when you create it
let fruits = ['apple', ‘mango', 'Banana'];

The methods that can be applied over arrays are:

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