Achievements of China’s Poverty Alleviation Program

  • China has eradicated poverty in 2020 in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic and the accompanying worldwide economic collapse in February 2021.
  • Over 100 million people in China’s rural areas were lifted out of poverty. Xi referred to this campaign as China’s major contribution to the world, a “full victory,” and a “miracle for humanity.” 
  • Millions of households have been moved from isolated rural areas to new settlements more suited for economic growth; new roads, homes, and other infrastructure projects have been built; and direct cash transfers have been made available.
  • Beijing sent out approximately 775,000 cadres to survey all rural families in order to identify which homes were poor. Then, to oversee the effort to end poverty, the government assigned a cadre to each poor household.
  • By giving money and goods to rural homes and assisting farmers in selling their goods, many regular people got part in the effort. The campaign also brought back certain former Maoist techniques, like sending medical personnel to remote areas for examinations and treatments.
  • Many poor peasants in rural China did indeed see an improvement in their standard of living as a result of the poverty-eradication effort.

China’s Poverty Alleviation Programmes

The globe is plagued by poverty, which is a persistent condition of human society. The eradication of poverty has always been a goal that should be accomplished since poverty and its related issues, such as hunger, disease, and social disputes, seriously impede individuals from seeking a higher quality of life. The history of humanity is the history of steadfast resistance to poverty. With a population of 1.4 billion, China is the largest developing nation on earth. The nation had long struggled with poverty on a size and intensity that had rarely been witnessed anywhere else in the globe, in addition to having weak foundations and unequal development. As a result, the difficulty of reducing poverty in China is practically unimaginable. 

2014 saw the official adoption of the Targeted Poverty Alleviation Strategy by the Chinese government. With top organisations dedicated to eradicating poverty formed at all administrative levels, the Targeted Poverty Alleviation Strategy serves as a high-profile political campaign. The Communist Party of China (CPC) has fought against poverty for the Chinese people with unflinching faith and will during the past century. The Party Central Committee, led by General Secretary Xi Jinping, has waged a decisive war against poverty that is unparalleled in scope and intensity, and that has benefited the greatest number of people in human history since the 18th CPC National Congress in 2012.

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