Active River Water Dispute Tribunals in India

Tribunal Name States Involved
Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal – II Karnataka, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra
Vansadhara Water Disputes Tribunal Andhra Pradesh, Odisha
Mahadayi Water Disputes Tribunal Goa, Karnataka, Maharashtra
Mahanadi Water Disputes Tribunal Odisha, Chhattisgarh

Interstate Water Disputes in India

Interstate Water Disputes occur when states that share a river or a network of rivers (like a basin) can’t agree on how much water each should get and how they should use it. In India, water is very precious people need it for everything, from drinking and cooking to growing crops and running businesses. With a growing population and changing weather patterns, water becomes even more valuable, making it no surprise that states want to ensure they get their fair share.

In this article, we will see the water disputes between the states in detail.

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Causes of Interstate Water Disputes

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Legal Framework for Dispute Resolution

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Active River Water Dispute Tribunals in India

Tribunal Name States Involved Krishna Water Disputes Tribunal – II Karnataka, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Maharashtra Vansadhara Water Disputes Tribunal Andhra Pradesh, Odisha Mahadayi Water Disputes Tribunal Goa, Karnataka, Maharashtra Mahanadi Water Disputes Tribunal Odisha, Chhattisgarh...

Challenges and Impacts of these Water Disputes

Resolving these disputes often takes years, causing delays in crucial development projects like irrigation canals, power plants, and even drinking water infrastructure....

Possible Solution to Solve these Water Disputes

Instead of fight for these disputes states need to cooperate and manage water resources together. This involves sharing information, developing joint water management plans, and exploring innovative solutions like inter-basin transfers or water banking....


Water fights between states are a barrier for India’s development that includes delays in projects, rising tensions, and environmental damage are all consequences. To solve this disputes, states need to work together. States should work together by using water wisely, building better canals, and involving communities are all important. Central government can help by getting everyone talking and finding solutions. Sharing water fairly for the long term is key to India’s success....

FAQs on Interstate Water Disputes in India

What are Interstate Water Disputes in India?...