Activities During Dependency Testing

A capability used to ensure that all prerequisites for a given run-time scenario are present is dependency testing. Below are the activities during dependency testing:

  • Software: Using software for dependency testing, it is possible to verify that all components are present on both the client and server sides. 
  • Checking Tool: During arrangement, a dependency-checking tool is used to check that all necessary components have been added to enable the desired code execution. 
  • Incorporating Dependencies: “Incorporate dependencies” can refer to device drivers, user interfaces, databases, OS features, building blocks, certificates, files, or other things.
  • Issues: Two key issues are examined in the evaluation: application flaws and defects. Similar to other tools or programs, the product has several problematic areas. These areas include compatibility, user interface, and particularly any potential for data breaches.
  • Checking Order: If one component depends on the next component for activity, dependencies could be checked in a pre-characterized order. This might make it clearer where the code would malfunction if it were executed.
  • Resolving Dependencies: The integrated dependencies may be resolved automatically or manually if one or more of them have not been met. 
  • Removal of Unnecessary segments: A few segments can be removed from the setup if it is determined that they are not necessary.

Single Test Method: Dependency Testing provides a single test method that is dependent on one or more other test methods. This is a critical feature because our application relies on test ordering. Before deploying code to an environment, a test method such as starting a web server must be executed.

Test Procedure: Before delivering code to an environment, a test procedure for launching a web server must be run. The dependent test methods, such as launch, must pass before the invoking Test method deployment is executed. If the launch of a web server fails, there is no server to test the program on. Our test report contains one failure and multiple skips due to dependency testing. Our test report gives a cascade failure due to the unsuccessful launch method in the absence of dependency testing. A cascade failure is comparable to a waterfall of failures; when one test method fails, the other tests follow suit. The cascade failure results in an inaccurate Test Report due to the deployment and other tests that were not run in the calling test procedure.

Following are the testing method and testing group used in dependency testing:

1. DependsonMethods() attribute: The @test annotation has an attribute called depends on methods. With the aid of TestNG, our software can declare an array that a Test function depends on.

public String[] dependsOnMethods() default{};

2. DependsonGroups: In cases where having many methods is advantageous and they are grouped, we may state that our test depends on other groups. Rather than providing a comprehensive list of all methods, we may just describe the group test that is dependent on it.

The group of methods previously defined is called tests. The pre-tests group determines the approaches. We also have cleanup procedures that are dependent on the testing group.

Dependency Testing

Dependency testing is a software testing technique where application requirements are pre-examined for initial states and existing software to achieve desired functionalities. The article focuses on discussing Dependency Testing in detail. The following topics of dependency testing will be discussed here:

Table of Content

  • What is a Dependency Testing?
  • Types of Software Dependencies
  • What is a Test Method?
  • Importance of Dependency Testing
  • Activities During Dependency Testing
  • Benefits of Dependency Testing
  • Limitations of Dependency Testing
  • Conclusion

Let’s start discussing each of these in detail.

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