Add Images

We need to add some images which can be used for scrolling purpose. So, we have to copy the images from our local computer path to app/res/drawable folder.

DynamicHorizontal ScrollView in Kotlin

Android ScrollView allows multiple views that are places within the parent view group to be scrolled. Scrolling in the android application can be done in two ways either Vertically or Horizontally. In this article, we will be discussing how to programmatically create a Horizontal ScrollView in Kotlin . Let’s start by first creating a project in Android Studio. To do so, follow these instructions:

  • Click on File, then New and then New Project and give name whatever you like
  • Then, select Kotlin language Support and click next button.
  • Select minimum SDK, whatever you need.
  • Select Empty activity and then click finish.

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Add Images


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AndroidManifest.xml file

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