Addition on Number Line

Addition on a number line involves moving to the right for positive numbers and to the left for negatives. It’s a visual method where combining integers is represented by shifting along the line to reach the sum.

Adding Positive Numbers

On adding two positive numbers on a number line the resultant will always be positive, For example 3 + 2 = 5

Adding Positive Numbers

Adding Negative Numbers

On adding two negative numbers on a number line the resultant will always be negative. For example (-3) + (-2) = (-5)

Adding Negative Numbers

Number Lines

Number line is a fundamental tool in mathematics that provides a visual representation of numbers. It serves as a guiding map for understanding the order of numbers, their magnitudes, and the principles of addition and subtraction.

In this article we have covered the basic concepts related to a number line; what is a number line, the different parts of a number line, negative and positive number lines, how to draw a number line, performing operations on a number line, and others in detail.

Table of Content

  • What is a Number Line?
  • How to Draw a Number Line?
  • Numbers on a Number Line
  • Parts of a Number Line
  • Inequalities on a Number Line

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