Addition Operation of Integers

Arithmetic addition is one of the natural operations in mathematics and can be done on integers using the number line. That is when adding two integers we step ahead on the number line for positive integers and step backwards for the negative integers. The addition of two integers is the number that is obtained when a certain number has been added to the respective integer.

Positive Numbers

  • When adding two positive integers, we move to the right on the number line by the sum of the two numbers. For example, to add 3 + 5, we start at 0 and move 3 steps to the right (to 3), then 5 more steps to the right (to 8). Therefore, 5 + 6 = 11.

Addition Operation of Integers

Negative Numbers

  • When adding two negative integers, we move to the left on the number line by the sum of the two numbers. For example, to add -3 + -5, we start at 0 and move 3 steps to the left (to -3), then 5 more steps to the left (to -8). Therefore, -3 + -5 = -8.

Operations of Integers

Operations with integers involve performing calculations with positive and negative whole numbers. Gaining an insight into these operations is very important for solving many mathematics problems and practical applications.

This article will focus on operations of integers starting from addition, subtraction, multiplication and division and illustrate through the use of a number line.

Table of Content

  • What are Integers?
  • Operations of Integers
  • Addition Operation of Integers
  • Subtraction Operation of Integers
  • Multiplication Operation of Integers
  • Division Operation of Integers
  • Rules of Operation With Integers
  • Examples on Operations of Integers

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What are Integers?

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Operations of Integers

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Addition Operation of Integers

Arithmetic addition is one of the natural operations in mathematics and can be done on integers using the number line. That is when adding two integers we step ahead on the number line for positive integers and step backwards for the negative integers. The addition of two integers is the number that is obtained when a certain number has been added to the respective integer....

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Multiplication Operation of Integers

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Division Operation of Integers

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Rules of Operation With Integers

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Mathematics which comprises operations with whole numbers that are either positive or negative is the Integer operation. It is important to understand operations that include addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to solve mathematical computations as well as real-life problems. In this way, with rules and properties of integers, it is not difficult to add numbers subtract them or multiply or divide them to solve a calculation or to get a certain value. Virtually all calculations that follow are built on these operations, hence putting a strong and unshakable foundation for further mathematical learning and problem-solving....

Examples on Operations of Integers

Example 1: Find the sum of 7 and 9....

Practice Questions on Operations of Integers

Q1. Find the sum of -5 and -7....

FAQs on Operations of Integers

How many Operations are there with Integers?...