Additive Inverse of 3/13


Original fraction: 3/13

Additive inverse: -3/13

To find the additive inverse, we change the sign of the fraction from positive to negative. So, 3/13 becomes -3/13. When we add 3/13 to its additive inverse (-3/13), we get 0, because 3/13 + (-3/13) equals 0.

In summary, the additive inverse of 3/13 is -3/13.

Real-World Example

Imagine you owe a friend 3/4 of a pizza. The additive inverse of this debt would be -3/4 of a pizza, representing the amount your friend would need to give you to cancel out the debt, resulting in a total of 0 pizzas owed.

In summary, the additive inverse of a fraction is obtained by changing the sign of the fraction. It’s a fundamental concept in mathematics that helps in understanding the relationships between positive and negative numbers.

Write the Additive Inverse of 3/13

In mathematics, the additive inverse of a number is the value that, when added to the original number, results in zero. For fractions, finding the additive inverse involves changing the sign of the fraction. Let’s explore this concept further with some examples and explanations.

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