Advanced OS Interview Questions

95. What is Belady’s Anomaly?

Bélády’s anomaly is an anomaly with some page replacement policies increasing the number of page frames resulting in an increase in the number of page faults. It occurs when the First In First Out page replacement is used. 

96. What happens if a non-recursive mutex is locked more than once?

Deadlock. If a thread that had already locked a mutex, tries to lock the mutex again, it will enter into the waiting list of that mutex, which results in a deadlock. It is because no other thread can unlock the mutex. An operating system implementer can exercise care in identifying the owner of the mutex and return it if it is already locked by the same thread to prevent deadlocks. 

97. What are the advantages of a multiprocessor system?

There are some main advantages of a multiprocessor system:

  • Enhanced performance.
  • Multiple applications.
  • Multi-tasking inside an application.
  • High throughput and responsiveness.
  • Hardware sharing among CPUs.

98. What are real-time systems?

A real-time system means that the system is subjected to real-time, i.e., the response should be guaranteed within a specified timing constraint or the system should meet the specified deadline. 

99. How to recover from a deadlock?

We can recover from a deadlock by following methods:

  • Process termination
    • Abort all the deadlock processes
    • Abort one process at a time until the deadlock is eliminated
  • Resource preemption
    • Rollback
    • Selecting a victim

100. What factors determine whether a detection algorithm must be utilized in a deadlock avoidance system?

One is that it depends on how often a deadlock is likely to occur under the implementation of this algorithm. The other has to do with how many processes will be affected by deadlock when this algorithm is applied.

101. Explain the resource allocation graph?

The resource allocation graph is explained to us what is the state of the system in terms of processes and resources. One of the advantages of having a diagram is, sometimes it is possible to see a deadlock directly by using RAG.

We will soon be covering more Operating System questions.

Operating System Interview Questions

Operating System (OS) is Software that facilitates computer software to communicate and operate computer hardware with the computer software. An operating system acts as a GUI between the User and the computer System. In Other words, an OS acts as an intermediary between the user and the computer hardware, managing resources such as memory, processing power, and input/output operations. Here some examples of popular operating systems include Windows, MacOS, Linux, Android etc.

In this article, we provide you with the top 100+ OS interview questions with answers that cover everything from the basics of OS architecture to advanced operating systems concepts such as file systems, scheduling algorithms, and multithreading. Whether you are a fresher or an experienced IT professional, this article gives you all the confidence you need to ace your next OS interview.

Operating System Interview Questions

Table of Content

  • Basics OS Interview Questions
  • Intermediate OS Interview Questions
  • Advanced OS Interview Questions

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In conclusion, the field of operating systems is a crucial aspect of computer science, and a thorough understanding of its concepts is essential for anyone looking to excel in this area. By reviewing the Top 2024 100+ operating systems interview questions we have compiled, you can gain a deeper understanding of the key principles and concepts of OS and be better prepared to tackle any interview questions that may come your way. Remember to study and practice regularly, and use these questions as a starting point to delve deeper into the complex world of operating systems. With dedication and hard work, you can become an expert in this field and succeed in any OS-related job or interview....