Advantages of Abstraction

Here are some advantages of abstraction:

  1. It reduces the complexity of viewing things.
  2. Avoids code duplication and increases reusability.
  3. Helps to increase the security of an application or program as only essential details are provided to the user.
  4. It improves the maintainability of the application. 
  5. It improves the modularity of the application. 
  6. The enhancement will become very easy because without affecting end-users we can able to perform any type of changes in our internal system. 
  7. Improves code reusability and maintainability.
  8. Hides implementation details and exposes only relevant information.
  9. Provides a clear and simple interface to the user.
  10. Increases security by preventing access to internal class details.
  11. Supports modularity, as complex systems can be divided into smaller and more manageable parts.
  12. Abstraction provides a way to hide the complexity of implementation details from the user, making it easier to understand and use.
  13. Abstraction allows for flexibility in the implementation of a program, as changes to the underlying implementation details can be made without affecting the user-facing interface.
  14. Abstraction enables modularity and separation of concerns, making code more maintainable and easier to debug.

Abstraction in Java

Abstraction in Java is the process in which we only show essential details/functionality to the user. The non-essential implementation details are not displayed to the user. 

In this article, we will learn about abstraction and what abstract means.

Simple Example to understand Abstraction:

Television remote control is an excellent example of abstraction. It simplifies the interaction with a TV by hiding the complexity behind simple buttons and symbols, making it easy without needing to understand the technical details of how the TV functions.

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Advantages of Abstraction


Disadvantages of Abstraction in Java

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Abstraction in Java – FAQs
