Advantages of Automation Testing

  • Simplifies Test Case Execution: Automation testing can be left virtually unattended and thus it allows monitoring of the results at the end of the process. Thus, simplifying the overall test execution and increasing the efficiency of the application. 
  • Improves Reliability of Tests: Automation testing ensures that there is equal focus on all the areas of the testing, thus ensuring the best quality end product. 
  • Increases amount of test coverage: Using automation testing, more test cases can be created and executed for the application under test. Thus, resulting in higher test coverage and the detection of more bugs. This allows for the testing of more complex applications and more features can be tested. 
  • Minimizing Human Interaction: In automation testing, everything is automated from test case creation to execution thus there are no changes for human error due to neglect. This reduces the necessity for fixing glitches in the post-release phase. 
  • Saves Time and Money: The initial investment for automation testing is on the higher side but it is cost-efficient and time-efficient in the long run. This is due to the reduction in the amount of time required for test case creation and execution which contributes to the high quality of work.
  • Earlier detection of defects:  Automation testing documents the defects, thus making it easier for the development team to fix the defect and give a faster output. The earlier the defect is identified, the more easier and cost-efficient it is to fix the defects.

Automation Testing – Software Testing

Automated Testing means using special software for tasks that people usually do when checking and testing a software product. Nowadays, many software projects use automation testing from start to end, especially in agile and DevOps methods. This means the engineering team runs tests automatically with the help of software tools. It will help to keep the testing team to make the process faster. Continuous delivery (CD) and quickly sends the new code to users. Automated testing is important for this because it converts the manual steps into automation. Continuous integration (CI) checks the new code changes to prevent issues. CD gets after CI done everything well. Automated testing, CI & CD will together prove that the new code is error-free and ready for deployment quickly for the project purpose.

On the other side, it’s a technique where the Tester writes scripts independently and uses suitable Software or Automation Tools to test the software. It is an Automation Process of a Manual Process. It allows for executing repetitive tasks without the intervention of a Manual Tester.

  • It is used to automate the testing tasks that are difficult to perform manually.
  • Automation tests can be run at any time of the day as they use scripted sequences to examine the software.
  • Automation tests can also enter test data compare the expected result with the actual result and generate detailed test reports.
  • The goal of automation tests is to reduce the number of test cases to be executed manually but not to eliminate manual testing.
  • It is possible to record the test suit and replay it when required.

Table of Content

  • Why Transform From Manual to Automated Testing? 
  • What kinds of software tests should be automated first?
  • What kinds of software tests should be done manually?
  • Difference between Manual Testing vs Automated Testing
  • Automation Testing Types
  • Test Automation Frameworks
  • Which Tests to Automate?
  • Automation Testing Process
  • Criteria to Select Automation Tool
  • Best Practices for Test Automation
  • Popular Automation Tools
  • Advantages of Automation Testing
  • Disadvantages of Automation Testing
  • Conclusion
  • Frequently Asked Questions on Automated Testing

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Popular Automation Tools

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Advantages of Automation Testing

Simplifies Test Case Execution: Automation testing can be left virtually unattended and thus it allows monitoring of the results at the end of the process. Thus, simplifying the overall test execution and increasing the efficiency of the application.  Improves Reliability of Tests: Automation testing ensures that there is equal focus on all the areas of the testing, thus ensuring the best quality end product.  Increases amount of test coverage: Using automation testing, more test cases can be created and executed for the application under test. Thus, resulting in higher test coverage and the detection of more bugs. This allows for the testing of more complex applications and more features can be tested.  Minimizing Human Interaction: In automation testing, everything is automated from test case creation to execution thus there are no changes for human error due to neglect. This reduces the necessity for fixing glitches in the post-release phase.  Saves Time and Money: The initial investment for automation testing is on the higher side but it is cost-efficient and time-efficient in the long run. This is due to the reduction in the amount of time required for test case creation and execution which contributes to the high quality of work. Earlier detection of defects:  Automation testing documents the defects, thus making it easier for the development team to fix the defect and give a faster output. The earlier the defect is identified, the more easier and cost-efficient it is to fix the defects....

Disadvantages of Automation Testing

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