Advantages of AZERTY Keyboards

  • Language Enhancement: Since common letters and accents are arranged in an AZERTY style suited for the French language, typing in French is made more efficient.
  • Cultural Significance: The keyboard layout fosters a sense of identification and connection among users by reflecting the cultural backdrop of French-speaking regions.
  • Characters with accents: The accessibility of frequently used accented characters in French, such é, è, ê, and ç, facilitates typing for those who speak the language.

What is an AZERTY keyboard?

The Keyboard is a major input device used with computers and other electronic devices. It takes input from the user in the form of text, numbers, and several other commands. If we look at the structure of a keyboard, it consists of various buttons. These buttons are called keys and every keyboard has a variety of keys with unique functions. AZERTY Keyboard is also a type of keyboard. Let’s understand in detail.

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What is an AZERTY Keyboard?

The AZERTY keyboard is used in the majority of countries that speak French. The initial six characters on the uppermost row of the keyboard are what give rise to the name “AZERTY”. The more popular QWERTY keyboard layout, which is used extensively in English-speaking nations as well as many other nations, can be replaced with this one. The arrangement of some keys is the primary distinction between the AZERTY and QWERTY keyboard layouts. For instance, the letters A and Z are flipped on an AZERTY keyboard as opposed to a QWERTY keyboard. The location of accent keys and other keys may also need to be adjusted to better suit the French language....

History of AZERTY Keyboard

The AZERTY layout was created in France in the late 19th century for French-speaking typists. It was an alternative to the QWERTY keyboard layout, which was created for English-language typewriters. It was released simultaneously with QWERTY to accommodate French typists’ requirements and improve typing for the language. Particular attention was given to the arrangement of the letters of the French script, as well as the positioning of common accents....

Why AZERTY Keyboard was Designed?

French Alphabet Optimization: Encouraging typing with the French alphabet is the main objective of the AZERTY layout. To improve typing productivity for French speakers, this entails inserting accents and commonly used letters in appropriate locations. Placement of Common Letters and Accents: The French language places common letters and accents in convenient locations to minimize the necessity for uncomfortable finger movements. Allowing for Language variations: Special characters and accents like é, è, ê, and ç are used in French. The French language’s linguistic subtleties are reflected in the AZERTY layout, which is designed to provide easy access to these symbols. Cultural Sensitivity: The AZERTY keyboard represents the language and communication style of French-speaking populations by conforming to French language rules, making it a cultural artefact....

Naming Conventions


Difference Between AZERTY and QWERTY Keyboard


Advantages of AZERTY Keyboards

Language Enhancement: Since common letters and accents are arranged in an AZERTY style suited for the French language, typing in French is made more efficient. Cultural Significance: The keyboard layout fosters a sense of identification and connection among users by reflecting the cultural backdrop of French-speaking regions. Characters with accents: The accessibility of frequently used accented characters in French, such é, è, ê, and ç, facilitates typing for those who speak the language....

Disadvantages of AZERTY Keyboards

Limited International Compatibility: Globally, the QWERTY layout is more extensively used than the AZERTY layout. This can make using computer in non-French speaking nations difficult. Learning Curve: When moving from QWERTY to AZERTY, users who are used to switching between languages or keyboard layouts may find it challenging to become used to the new layout. Shortcuts and Programming: In certain software applications, AZERTY users may experience inefficiencies or confusion due to programming and keyboard shortcuts that are designed for QWERTY layouts....


The AZERTY keyboard is a unique input device that was created to support French speaking typewriters. Further changes can be seen in the keyboard in near future as technology develops, but its function in maintaining language and cultural integrity will likely to continue in French-speaking nations....

FAQs on What is the AZERTY Keyboard?

Q.1: Is the transition from a QWERTY to an AZERTY keyboard challenging?...