Advantages of Bandpass Sampling

Given Below are the Advantages of the Bandpass Sampling

  • Requires low frequency sampling rates which implies low memory usage and less time consuming.
  • It reduces the speed requirement of the analog to digital(ADC) convertor.
  • Avoids unnecessary oversampling of frequencies outside the band of interest.
  • Improves the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) by targeting the desired frequency, leading to better analysis.

Bandpass Sampling in DSP

Real-world signals are measured as a function of time, distance, temp, etc., and processed to extract information from them. These signals are examined as analog and discrete signals for further operations. The digital signals x(n) are discrete and represented in zeros and ones.

Sampling is measuring the amplitude of the continuous signal at discrete regular intervals that define the number of values that are captured over a certain period of time to convert the signal from Analog to digital.

Table of Content

  • Bandpass Sampling
  • Active Vs Passive Bandpass Filters
  • Advantages
  • Disadvantages
  • Applications

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