Advantages of Electrical Heating

The primary advantages of electric heating over alternate systems of heating (i.e. coal, gas, or oil) heating are:

  • Economical: Electric heating is economical as electric furnaces are less costlier in initial cost as well as maintenance cost. It does not necessitate any care, so there is a substantial saving in labor cost over other methods of heating. Furthermore, the electric power is also inexpensive as it is generated on a large scale.
  • Cleanliness: As dirt and ash are wholly eradicated in electric heating system, so it is a tidy system and scrubbing expenses are rendered to a minimum.
  • Absence of fuel gases: As no fuel gases are produced in this system, the environment around is clear and pollution-free.
  • Simplicity of regulation: Uncomplicated, precise, and trustworthy , temperature of a furnace can be regulated with the aid of manual or automatic mechanisms. The desired temperature can be regulated in electric heating system, which is not convenient in other heating methods.
  • Efficiency: It has been essentially found that 75 to 100% of the heat generated by electric heating can be effectively utilized as the origin can be brought directly to the point where there is a heat requirement, thereby diminishing the losses.
  • Automatic protection: Suitable switchgears in electric heating systems can offer automatic protection against overcurrents or overheating.
  • Better working conditions: This type of heating system produces no irritating noise and the radiation losses are negligible. Thus working with electric furnaces is quite convenient.
  • Safety: Electric heating is notably safe and responds quickly.
  • Upper limit temperature: There exists no Upper limit temperature maximum temperature limit, aside from the material’s capacity to withstand heat.
  • Special heating requisites: specific requirements of heating such as uniform heating of material or heating of one particular part of the job without affecting others, heating of insulated materials, heating without oxidation can be met only in electric heating system

Electrical Heating

Heat plays a very important role in our daily life. All heat requirements in our daily lives such as cooking, space warmers, submersion water heaters, and electric toasters, as well as in industrial applications such as fusion, annealing, liquefaction of metals, and solidifying can be effortlessly fulfilled by electric heating, over the other forms of traditional heating.

Heat and Electricity are interconvertible. Heat can be generated by allowing the flow of electricity through the material to be heated. This is termed electric heating; there are diverse approaches to heating a substance, but electric heating is considered significantly superior compared to the heat produced by coal, oil, and natural gas.

When the current is allowed to flow through a conductor, it gets heated up due to I2R losses, and this heating characteristic of the electric flow is employed in industrial and domestic gadgets. This form of heating is also considered safe and efficient as compared to others as most of the electrical energy is converted into heat energy. The regulation of heat is also easy as by varying the amount of potential applied or current supplied more the amount of heat can be generated.

Table of Content

  • Heating Effect Of Electric Current
  • Devices
  • Types
  • Requirements for a Good Heating Material
  • Design
  • Advantages

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