Advantages of Operating System

  • It helps in managing the data present in the device i.e. Memory Management.
  • It helps in making the best use of computer hardware. 
  • It helps in maintaining the security of the device.
  • It helps different applications in running them efficiently.

Introduction of Operating System – Set 1

An operating system acts as an intermediary between the user of a computer and computer hardware. The purpose of an operating system is to provide an environment in which a user can execute programs conveniently and efficiently. 

An operating system is software that manages computer hardware. The hardware must provide appropriate mechanisms to ensure the correct operation of the computer system and to prevent user programs from interfering with the proper operation of the system. A more common definition is that the operating system is the one program running at all times on the computer (usually called the kernel), with all else being application programs.

An operating system is concerned with the allocation of resources and services, such as memory, processors, devices, and information. The operating system correspondingly includes programs to manage these resources, such as a traffic controller, a scheduler, a memory management module, I/O programs, and a file system.

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Advantages of Operating System

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