Advantages of Supervised Learning

The power of supervised learning lies in its ability to accurately predict patterns and make data-driven decisions across a variety of applications. Here are some advantages listed below:

  1. Labeled training data benefits supervised learning by enabling models to accurately learn patterns and relationships between inputs and outputs.
  2. Supervised learning models can accurately predict and classify new data.
  3. Supervised learning has a wide range of applications, including classification, regression, and even more complex problems like image recognition and natural language processing.
  4. Well-established evaluation metrics, including accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score, facilitate the assessment of supervised learning model performance.

Supervised Machine Learning

A machine is said to be learning from past Experiences(data feed-in) with respect to some class of tasks if its Performance in a given Task improves with the Experience. For example, assume that a machine has to predict whether a customer will buy a specific product let’s say “Antivirus” this year or not. The machine will do it by looking at the previous knowledge/past experiences i.e. the data of products that the customer had bought every year and if he buys an Antivirus every year, then there is a high probability that the customer is going to buy an antivirus this year as well. This is how machine learning works at the basic conceptual level.  

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