Advantages of the SVAMITVA Scheme

  • Smoother implementation: The PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, Fasal Bima Yojana, and Rythu Bandhu have all been implemented more smoothly as a result of the digitization of agricultural land records.
  • Revenue from taxes: The database will assist in calculating the property tax that will be paid directly to the Gram Panchayats in the states where they have the authority to collect such taxes.
  • The strategy will facilitate better planning and revenue collection in rural regions and ensure that property rights are understood.
  • With the help of SVAMITVA, the digitization of agricultural land, people’s identities, and now rural homes will make land transactions more transparent.
  • Over 6 lakh rural residents would be able to profit from this programme once the pilot experiment is a success.
  • The registration of land and property under this approach would produce the “record of rights.”
  • This would make it easier to use the rural residential property as collateral for loans and other types of financial services.
  • Activity unrelated to farming: This will profit from clear ownership and the elimination of restrictions on the availability of land. Their access to financing, insurance, and support services will improve with clear title records and the legality of land leasing.
  • Increases Asset Liquidity: The cards will aid in increasing the marketability of land parcels and the availability of financial credit to the hamlet.
  • Better GPDPs: Using the maps made possible by the programme, better Gram Panchayat Development Plans (GPDPs) can be created.

Advantage and Mechanism of the SVAMITVA Scheme

The SVAMITVA Scheme (Survey of Villages Abadi and Mapping with Improvised Technology in Village Areas) intends to provide property cards to property owners and offer a “Record of Rights” to village household owners who own homes in populated rural areas. The DigiLocker programme allows property owners in populated rural areas to download the Aadhaar authenticated property card to their smartphones. Around 13.13 crore households are anticipated to benefit from the Scheme, according to projections from India’s rural Socio-Economic and Caste Census-2011 (SECC-2011).

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Objectives  of the SVAMITVA Scheme:

The objectives of the SVAMITVA Yojana are listed below:...

Mechanism of the SVAMITVA Scheme:

Establishing the Continuous Operating Reference System (CORS) enables access to long-range, high-accuracy network RTK corrections with centimetre-level horizontal positioning in real-time. CORS is a network of reference stations that acts as a virtual base station. The CORS network aids in precise georeferencing, ground-truthing, and land delineation. Creating/maintaining a scheme dashboard and integrating spatial data/maps from drone surveys with the ministry’s spatial planning application will enhance local planning. Drone-based large-scale mapping: The Survey of India will use a drone survey to map the populated (Abadi) rural areas. To grant ownership and property rights, it would produce detailed maps. The owners of rural homes would receive property cards based on these maps or data. Recording best practices and holding regional and national workshops. Program to educate the rural population about surveying techniques and advantages At the national and state levels, a programme management unit is established....

Advantages of the SVAMITVA Scheme:

Smoother implementation: The PM Kisan Samman Nidhi Yojana, Fasal Bima Yojana, and Rythu Bandhu have all been implemented more smoothly as a result of the digitization of agricultural land records. Revenue from taxes: The database will assist in calculating the property tax that will be paid directly to the Gram Panchayats in the states where they have the authority to collect such taxes. The strategy will facilitate better planning and revenue collection in rural regions and ensure that property rights are understood. With the help of SVAMITVA, the digitization of agricultural land, people’s identities, and now rural homes will make land transactions more transparent. Over 6 lakh rural residents would be able to profit from this programme once the pilot experiment is a success. The registration of land and property under this approach would produce the “record of rights.” This would make it easier to use the rural residential property as collateral for loans and other types of financial services. Activity unrelated to farming: This will profit from clear ownership and the elimination of restrictions on the availability of land. Their access to financing, insurance, and support services will improve with clear title records and the legality of land leasing. Increases Asset Liquidity: The cards will aid in increasing the marketability of land parcels and the availability of financial credit to the hamlet. Better GPDPs: Using the maps made possible by the programme, better Gram Panchayat Development Plans (GPDPs) can be created....


The SVAMITVA Scheme will aid in supporting village-level planning, allowing the monetization of assets and permitting bank loans, and minimising property-related problems. This scheme will eventually include all villages in the nation. The complete project will probably take place between April 2020 and March 2025, a span of five years. The proper steps have been done to bring about Gram Swaraj and make rural India AtmaNirbhar....

Related Frequently Asked Questions and Answers:

Q1. What is SVAMITVA Scheme?...