Advantages of WLAN

  1. Installation speed and simplicity.
  2. Installation flexibility.
  3. Reduced cost of ownership.
  4. Reliability.
  5. Mobility.
  6. Robustness.

WLAN Full Form

WLAN stands for Wireless Local Area Network. WLAN is a local area network that uses radio communication to provide mobility to the network users while maintaining the connectivity to the wired network. A WLAN basically, extends a wired local area network. WLAN’s are built by attaching a device called the access point(AP) to the edge of the wired network. Clients communicate with the AP using a wireless network adapter which is similar in function to an ethernet adapter. It is also called a LAWN is a Local area wireless network. 

The performance of WLAN is high compared to other wireless networks. The coverage of WLAN is within a campus or building or that tech park. It is used in the mobile propagation of wired networks. The standards of WLAN are HiperLAN, Wi-Fi, and IEEE 802.11. It offers service to the desktop laptop, mobile application, and all the devices that work on the Internet. WLAN is an affordable method and can be set up in 24 hours. WLAN gives users the mobility to move around within a local coverage area and still be connected to the network. Most latest brands are based on IEE 802.11 standards, which are the WI-FI brand name. 


A professor at the University of Hawaii who’s name was Norman Abramson, developed the world’s first wireless computer communication network. In 1979, Gfeller and u. Bapst published a paper in the IEE proceedings reporting an experimental wireless local area network using diffused infrared communications. The first of the IEEE workshops on Wireless LAN was held in 1991. 

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