After October Revolution

In November 1917, industry and banks were nationalized, which meant that the government assumed ownership and management. The land was declared social property, and peasants were permitted to seize nobility land. The Bolshevik Party was superseded by the Russian Communist Party (Bolshevik). Elections to the Constituent Assembly were held in November 1917, but they fell short of a majority. The Assembly rejected Bolshevik measures in January 1918, and Lenin dismissed the Assembly.

Despite opposition, the Bolsheviks made peace with Germany at Brest Litovsk in March 1918. The Bolsheviks ran for election to the All Russian Congress of Soviets, which became the country’s parliament. Russia has devolved into a one-party state. This resulted in experiments in the arts and architecture after October 1917. However, many people became disillusioned as a result of the censorship promoted by the Party.

October Revolution

October Revolution: The October Revolution was the second and final major part of the 1917 Russian Revolution. Trotsky led this Military Revolution Committee, which was able to gain the support of the Petrograd Garrison and Kronstadt sailors. In October, the Prime Minister ordered the arrest of Bolshevik leaders, sparking an armed uprising in Petrograd on October 25th, 1917. The Bolsheviks led the revolution, occupying government buildings on October 25th. The following day, the Winter Palace was taken. It was the headquarters of the Provisional Government, which was formed following the overthrow of the Tsars. Vladimir Lenin led the new government.

October Revolution

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After October Revolution

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