Angular Sweep Algorithm

By using Angular Sweep, we can solve this problem in O(n2log n). The basic logical idea of this algorithm is described below.

We pick an arbitrary point P from the given set. We then rotate a circle with fixed-radius ‘R’ about the point P. During the entire rotation P lies on the circumference of the circle and we maintain a count of the number of points in the circle at a given value of Θ where the parameter Θ determines the angle of rotation. The state of a circle can thus be determined by a single parameter Θ because the radius is fixed.

Below is the implementation of the above approach:

# python program to find the maximum number of
# points that can be enclosed by a fixed-radius
# circle
import math

arr = [0] * MAX_POINTS
dis = [[0 for i in range(MAX_POINTS)] for j in range(MAX_POINTS)]

# This function returns the maximum points that
# can lie inside the circle of radius 'r' being
# rotated about point 'i'
def mycompare(A, B):
    if A[0] < B[0]:
        return True
    elif A[0] > B[0]:
        return False
        return A[1] == 1

def getPointsInside(i, r, n):
    #  This vector stores alpha and beta and flag
    # is marked true for alpha and false for beta
    angles = []

    for j in range(n):
        if i != j and dis[i][j] <= 2*r:
              # acos returns the arc cosine of the complex
            # used for cosine inverse
            B = math.acos(dis[i][j]/(2*r))
            # arg returns the phase angle of the complex
            A = math.atan2(arr[j].imag - arr[i].imag, arr[j].real - arr[i].real)
            alpha = A - B
            beta = A + B
            angles.append([alpha, True])
            angles.append([beta, False])

    # angles vector is sorted and traversed
    angles.sort(key=lambda x: (x[0], x[1] == 1))

    # count maintains the number of points inside
    # the circle at certain value of theta
    # res maintains the maximum of all count
    count = 1
    res = 1
    for angle in angles:
          # entry angle
        if angle[1]:
            count += 1
        # exit angle
            count -= 1
        res = max(res, count)

    return res

# Returns count of maximum points that can lie
# in a circle of radius r.
def maxPoints(arr, n, r):
      # dis array stores the distance between every
    # pair of points
    for i in range(n - 1):
        for j in range(i + 1, n):
              # abs gives the magnitude of the complex
            # number and hence the distance between
            # i and j
            dis[i][j] = dis[j][i] = abs(arr[i] - arr[j])

    # This loop picks a point p
    ans = 0
    for i in range(n):
          # maximum number of points for point arr[i]
        ans = max(ans, getPointsInside(i, r, n))

    return ans

# Driver code
r = 1
arr = [complex(6.47634, 7.69628),
       complex(5.16828, 4.79915),
       complex(6.69533, 6.20378)]
n = len(arr)
print("The maximum number of points are:", maxPoints(arr, n, r))

The maximum number of points are: 2

Time complexity: O(n2 * log n)
Auxiliary Space: O(n2)

Angular Sweep in Python

Given ‘n’ points on the 2-D plane, find the maximum number of points that can be enclosed by a fixed-radius circle of radius ‘R’.

Note: The point is considered to be inside the circle even when it lies on the circumference.


Input: R = 1
points[] = {(6.47634, 7.69628), (5.16828 4.79915),(6.69533 6.20378)}
Output: 2
The maximum number of points is 2

Input: R = 1
points[] = {(6.65128, 5.47490), (6.42743, 6.26189)
(6.35864, 4.61611), (6.59020 4.54228), (4.43967 5.70059)
(4.38226, 5.70536), (5.50755 6.18163), (7.41971 6.13668)
(6.71936, 3.04496), (5.61832, 4.23857), (5.99424, 4.29328)
(5.60961, 4.32998), (6.82242, 5.79683), (5.44693, 3.82724) |
(6.70906, 3.65736), (7.89087, 5.68000), (6.23300, 4.59530)
(5.92401, 4.92329), (6.24168, 3.81389), (6.22671, 3.62210)}
Output: 11
The maximum number of points is 11

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Angular Sweep Algorithm:

By using Angular Sweep, we can solve this problem in O(n2log n). The basic logical idea of this algorithm is described below....