Anomaly Detection Datasets

Anomaly detection is a critical task in data science that involves identifying patterns in data that do not conform to expected behavior. Here are some example datasets commonly used for anomaly detection:

  • Network Intrusion Detection
  • Credit Card Fraud Detection (again)

Top Free Dataset Resources for Data Science Projects

Imagine your data journey as a quirky adventure! The Iris dataset is a friendly neighborhood where flowers spill their secrets. Titanic data is like solving a dramatic mystery – who survived the shipwreck? Boston Housing is your real estate rollercoaster, predicting house prices with flair. MNIST digits are the whimsical characters in a pixelated parade, while CIFAR-10 is a vibrant carnival of colorful images. Wine Quality, your connoisseur escapade, sipping data for the perfect blend. Netflix Prize data? Your ticket to a cinematic treasure hunt! And don’t forget the Credit Card Fraud dataset, the Sherlock Holmes of anomalies, catching sneaky transactions! Data science: where numbers meet laughter.

In this article we will discuss about List of Datasets you need to practice data science skills.

List of Datasets

Table of Content

  • Overview of Data Science Practice
  • Importance of Hands-on Experience
  • Classic Datasets for Fundamental Skills
  • Image Classification Datasets
  • Regression and Predictive Modeling Datasets
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) Datasets
  • Specific Use Cases
  • Anomaly Detection Datasets
  • Recommender System Datasets
  • Healthcare Datasets
  • Text Classification Datasets
  • IoT (Internet of Things) Datasets
  • Time Series Datasets
  • Clustering Datasets

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As we conclude this data-driven escapade, we celebrate the joy of discovery, the thrill of prediction, and the satisfaction of solving mysteries. In the world of data science, where numbers meet laughter, each dataset is a story waiting to be told, and our adventure has been a delightful exploration of this ever-fascinating realm. Cheers to the next chapter in the whimsical world of data!...