Application of UDM

  1. Traffic Safety: Abnormal traffic can be detected using sensors and the data can be stored and analyzed in the system. This analyzed data can then be used to detect traffic mishaps on a real-time basis using sensors. Thus, traffic and road safety is monitored.
  2. Health Care: The sensors can be used in creating smart homes for elderly persons and people who are in need of continuous medical attention. The sensors can be used for notifying the immediate medical need and would be collected. The data so collected can help to provide them with timely medical aids.
  3. Crisis and Calamities Management: The previous crisis and calamities data are collected and stored and analyzed. During times of crisis, sensors can detect the crisis and the data is sent to the controllers. Results are predicted before the effect can get disastrous. Thus, helps in Crisis Management.

Ubiquitous and Invisible Data Mining

Data Analytics is one of the most emerging technologies in the present-day world. With the increase in the demand for portable and remote devices like mobile phones and personal digital assistants (PDAs), the need for extracting data from these devices for analysis plays a crucial role in order to perform data analysis. Therefore, accessing data from a remote device is much needed.  

Ubiquitous Data Mining (UDM) is a process of analyzing data performing concrete mining and examination of distributed and heterogeneous systems like mobile and embedded devices. 

UDM is used for mining data from mobile environments like cell phones and sensors, which are constrained by limited computational resources and varying networks. It supports time-critical and real-time data needs. It is also used for intelligent analysis. Using UDM we can extract hidden classifiers and clusters. 

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Application of UDM:

Traffic Safety: Abnormal traffic can be detected using sensors and the data can be stored and analyzed in the system. This analyzed data can then be used to detect traffic mishaps on a real-time basis using sensors. Thus, traffic and road safety is monitored. Health Care: The sensors can be used in creating smart homes for elderly persons and people who are in need of continuous medical attention. The sensors can be used for notifying the immediate medical need and would be collected. The data so collected can help to provide them with timely medical aids. Crisis and Calamities Management: The previous crisis and calamities data are collected and stored and analyzed. During times of crisis, sensors can detect the crisis and the data is sent to the controllers. Results are predicted before the effect can get disastrous. Thus, helps in Crisis Management....

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