
  • Angular: Angular is most widely used for large applications like video streaming apps or music instrument apps because of it’s full-blown framework nature. Angular is used by companies Google, Forbes, YouTube, Wix, telegram 
  • React: ReactJS is just a library so it’s good for SPA (Single page application) or where it doesn’t require much formatting. React is used by companies Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Airbnb, Netflix, Paypal, and Uber.

Angular vs ReactJS : Which one to Choose as Frontend Development Framework in 2024

Angular and ReactJS are two popular tools for building modern web applications, but they approach things a bit differently. Angular is a full-fledged framework, offering a structured development environment with built-in features and functionalities. In today’s dynamic web development, selecting the most suitable framework is critical for building efficient and scalable web applications. Two of the most famous competitors are Angular and ReactJS. Both frameworks have large communities, vast libraries, and the capability to create amazing user experiences. But with their distinct strengths and weaknesses, deciding which one best aligns with your goals can be a challenge.

This Angular vs ReactJS article comprehensively compares Angular vs ReactJS, Which makes your decision clear towards choosing your framework and empowers you to make an informed decision.

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What is Angular?

Angular is a powerful framework for building web applications, particularly single-page applications (SPAs). Imagine an SPA as a website that feels more like a traditional application you download, with smooth transitions and dynamic updates without reloading the entire page. Angular accomplishes this by providing a structured development environment. It uses TypeScript, a JavaScript extension that adds features like type checking, to make your code more organized and easier to maintain, especially for complex projects. Angular also enforces a separation of concerns using the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architecture. This keeps your code clean and organized by separating the data (Model) from how it’s displayed (View) and how the user interacts with it (Controller). While Angular has a bit of a learning curve, its structure and features make it a great choice for building large-scale, enterprise-level web applications....

What is React?

ReactJS, unlike Angular, is a JavaScript library specifically designed for building user interfaces (UI) for web applications. Instead of a full framework, it provides a more flexible approach centered around reusable components. Imagine building blocks that can be combined to create complex interfaces. Each component manages its own data and functionality, making them easy to understand, maintain, and reuse across different parts of your application. ReactJS also utilizes a virtual DOM, which acts as an in-memory representation of the actual web page. This allows React to efficiently identify changes and update only the necessary parts of the real DOM, significantly improving performance for dynamic UIs that constantly update. Due to its focus on UI components and a less rigid structure, ReactJS is known for its ease of learning and faster development cycles. This makes it a great choice for building interactive web features, single-page applications with a focus on UI, and taking advantage of a vast ecosystem of pre-built libraries for various functionalities....

Angular vs ReactJS

Now that we have understood what Angular and React JS are its time for us to delve into their essential features, architecture, performance, popularity, and community support will help you gain a thorough grasp of these frameworks and select the best one for your project....

When to Choose Angular

Large-scale, enterprise applications: Angular’s structured approach and scalability make it ideal for complex projects. SPAs with intricate workflows: Angular’s data binding and dependency injection streamline development for SPAs with substantial data flow. Focus on code maintainability: TypeScript in Angular enforces type safety, leading to more maintainable codebases in the long run....

When to Choose ReactJS

Simple and interactive web applications: ReactJS’s component-based architecture allows for rapid development of user interfaces. Projects requiring frequent UI updates: ReactJS’s virtual DOM ensures efficient rendering of dynamic UIs. Leveraging a vast ecosystem of libraries: The extensive collection of third-party libraries for ReactJS offers pre-built solutions for various functionalities....

Open-source community Size:

React Angular GitHub Stars 203K 86.7k Contributors 1500 1500 Weekly Downloads 5 Million 2.8 Million...

Applications :

Angular: Angular is most widely used for large applications like video streaming apps or music instrument apps because of it’s full-blown framework nature. Angular is used by companies Google, Forbes, YouTube, Wix, telegram  React: ReactJS is just a library so it’s good for SPA (Single page application) or where it doesn’t require much formatting. React is used by companies Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Airbnb, Netflix, Paypal, and Uber....

Differences between Angular and ReactJS

Feature Angular ReactJS Category Full-fledged framework JavaScript library Learning Curve Steeper Easier Architecture Model-View-Controller (MVC) Component-based Data Binding Two-way One-way Suitability Complex SPAs, Enterprise applications Interactive UIs, Dynamic web applications Community & Support Large, well-documented Vast, actively developed Performance Potentially faster for complex SPAs Potentially faster for simpler apps Focus Structure, maintainability Flexibility, rapid development Key Features TypeScript, Dependency Injection, Modules, Routing, Services, Directives, Forms Virtual DOM, Components, JSX Purpose Create dynamic web applications. Create interactive UI components. Language Angular is written in Typescript language, which is a superset of ECMAScript 6 (ES6). Purpose Developed By Google Meta (known as Facebook earlier)...


The competition between Angular and ReactJS isn’t a zero-sum game. The optimal choice hinges on your project’s specific requirements. If you prioritize structure, scalability, and maintainability for complex applications, Angular might be the way to go. If flexibility, rapid UI development, and a vibrant community are your top concerns, ReactJS could be the better fit. Regardless of your decision, both Angular and ReactJS stand as powerful tools for crafting exceptional web applications....

Angular vs ReactJS – FAQs

What’s the real difference between Angular and React?...