Applications of ECDSA

  • ECDSA-dependent systems, like Bitcoin, are a suitable example. An ECDSA public key is hashed using cryptography to create each Bitcoin address. Whoever has access to the ECDSA private key is the account’s true owner.
  • This implies that you can get the same level of security with ECDSA as RSA while using smaller keys. For a number of reasons, smaller keys are preferable over larger keys. Because the math is simpler with smaller keys, faster algorithms can generate signatures.
  • In order to create a TLS connection, smaller public keys imply smaller certificates, and fewer data must be transmitted. Faster connectivity and speedier page loading are the results of this.

Blockchain – Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (ECDSA)

Blockchain is the underlying technology of the virtual currency BitCoin. The blockchain is a distributed database that stores records of all transactions or digital events that have occurred and are shared among participants. 

The majority of system participants confirm each transaction. It contains every single transaction record. Bitcoin is the most well-known cryptocurrency and a blockchain example. Some examples of blockchains are:

  1. Public Blockchain: It is a permissionless public ledger on which anyone may join and transact and it is a non-restrictive version of the ledger, with a copy for each peer. This also implies that anyone who has internet access can connect to the public Blockchain.
  2. Private Blockchain: A blockchain network works in a private setting, such as a confined network, or is managed by a single identity and they are frequently run on a local network within a company or organization rather than being available to anybody who wishes to donate computing power.
  3. Hybrid Blockchain: Companies who want the best of both worlds employ a hybrid blockchain, which incorporates the benefits of both private and public blockchains and it allows businesses to build a private, authorization system alongside a public, permissionless system, letting them choose who has access to specific data and what data is made public.
  4. Consortium Blockchain: A consortium blockchain’s consensus procedures are controlled by predetermined nodes. A validator node is in charge of initiating, collecting, and validating transactions. Member nodes can initiate or receive transactions.

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The Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm is a Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) that uses elliptic curve cryptography keys. It is a very efficient equation that is based on cryptography with public keys. ECDSA is utilized in many security systems, is popular in encrypted messaging apps, and is the foundation of Bitcoin security (with Bitcoin “addresses” serving as public keys)....

Digital Signature of ECDSA

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Domain Parameter of ECDSA

An elliptic curve E defined over a discrete space Fq with characteristic p and a base point G Domain parameters might be distributed by a group of entities or unique to a single user....

ECDSA key pair

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ECDSA Signature Generation

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ECDSA Signature Verification

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Security Consideration

In August 2013, it was discovered that errors in some Java class Secure Random implementations occasionally caused collisions in the k value. The same exploit that was used to expose the PS3 signing key on certain Android app implementations, which use Java and depend on ECDSA to authenticate transactions, allowed hackers to retrieve private keys giving them the same authority over bitcoin transactions as legitimate key owners....

Implementation of ECDSA

Prerequisite: Basics of python programming language, basics of cryptography techniques, and Elliptic Curve Cryptography....

Benefits of ECDSA


Limitations of ECDSA

High Security: It is a public key cryptography-based equation that is especially effective (PKC). ECDSA serves as the foundation for the security of Bitcoin and is widely utilized in secure messaging apps. For a number of reasons, smaller keys are preferable over larger keys. Because the math is simpler with smaller keys, faster algorithms can generate signatures. Good application performance: The key pairs needed for the digital signature’s signing and verification are created using ECC by the ECDSA digital signature algorithm. ECC is frequently used to sign transactions or events in blockchain applications due to its advantages over other public-key algorithms. High speed of verification: The signed message msg, the signature r, s generated by the signing algorithm, and the public key pubKey, which corresponds to the signer’s private key, are all inputs to the process used to validate an ECDSA signature. The result is a boolean value, either valid or invalid. Support government standards: The Digital Signature Standard (DSS), a Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) of the United States Government, contains the Digital Signature Algorithm (DSA) specifications. The discrete logarithm problem’s (DLP) computational intractability in prime-order subgroups of Z serves as the foundation for its security. Complaints with modern requirement: ECC comply with FIPS as ECDSA is one of the FIPS-approved techniques for asymmetric key functions in FIPS 140-2, along with RSA and DSA. Based on public key cryptography, it is a highly effective equation (PKC)....

Applications of ECDSA

Standard curve: Secure implementation is difficult and challenging, particularly for conventional curves. Modern standards are outdated, especially ECDSA, which is a hack in comparison to Schnorr signatures. Signing verification error: The key is compromised if a faulty or compromised generator of random numbers is used for signing.In particular for binary curves, still has certain patent issues. It might be expensive. Problem with curves: In particular for binary curves, it still has certain patent issues. It might be expensive. The increasing use of elliptic curves has collided with the ongoing development of quantum computing research. The size of encryption process: ECC’s primary drawback is that it greatly increases the size of the encrypted message compared to RSA encryption. Additionally, the ECC algorithm is more complex and challenging to implement than RSA, increasing the risk of implementation errors and lowering the technique’s security. the same random value: Private key for Bitcoin obtained via ECDSA signatures. The usage of the same nonce value across many messages is one of the flaws....


ECDSA-dependent systems, like Bitcoin, are a suitable example. An ECDSA public key is hashed using cryptography to create each Bitcoin address. Whoever has access to the ECDSA private key is the account’s true owner. This implies that you can get the same level of security with ECDSA as RSA while using smaller keys. For a number of reasons, smaller keys are preferable over larger keys. Because the math is simpler with smaller keys, faster algorithms can generate signatures. In order to create a TLS connection, smaller public keys imply smaller certificates, and fewer data must be transmitted. Faster connectivity and speedier page loading are the results of this....