Applications of Frequency Modulation

Following are some of the applications of Frequency Modulation

  • Used in Radio .
  • used in Magnetic Tape storage .
  • Used in broadcasting of signal in TV .
  • Used in Satellite .
  • Used in video cassette recorder .

Angle Modulation

Modulation is a process in which a low-frequency message signal is combined or imposed with a high-frequency carrier signal. It can also be defined as the process through which a message or baseband signal is transmitted with the help of a carrier signal to the receiver end. It enhances the signal strength and helps to transmit signal for a large distance range. It also helps to reduce the size of the antenna. Modulation can be Digital modulation or Analog modulation. There are various types of modulation that change the properties of carrier waves. Modulation can be Amplitude Modulation or Angle Modulation.

In Amplitude Modulation, the amplitude of the carrier signal is changed or modulated with the message signal While the angle that has phase and frequency are constant. In Angle Modulation angle that is, the phase and frequency of the carrier signal are changed or modulated with respect to the message signal, and the amplitude is kept constant.

In this article, we will get to know about Angle Modulation, Types of Angle Modulation, the Relation between FM and PM, Advantages and Disadvantages of Phase and Frequency Modulation, and its application.

Table of Content

  • Angle Modulation
  • Types of Angle Modulation
  • Frequency Modulation
  • Phase Modulation
  • Relationship Between Frequency Modulation (FM) and Phase Modulation (PM)
  • Applications of Frequency Modulation
  • Applications of Phase Modulation

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Angle Modulation

Angle Modulation is a modulation process in which the angle of the carrier wave or signal is changed with respect to the message signal or baseband signal. The angle of the signal is a combination of phase and frequency therefore Angle Modulation is a process in which the frequency or phase of the carrier wave is changed with respect to the message signal while keeping the amplitude constant. Angle modulation occurs due to the Time-varying phase or Time-varying Frequency....

Types of Angle Modulation

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Frequency Modulation

Frequency Modulation is process in which frequency of carrier signal is varied with respect to amplitude of message signal. In this amplitude and phase of carrier signal do not change they remain constant . It is process in which instantaneous frequency change with respect to message signal . As the amplitude of baseband or message signal increase frequency of modulated signal also increases and as amplitude of baseband signal or message signal decreases frequency of modulated signal also decreases....

Phase Modulation

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Relationship Between Frequency Modulation (FM) and Phase Modulation (PM)

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Advantages of Frequency Modulation

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Applications of Frequency Modulation

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Modulation plays a important role in communication engineering . Modulation can be either Amplitude Modulation or Angle Modulation . In Angle Modulation angle of carrier signal is changed .Signal angle is composition of phase and frequency so Phase Modulation and Frequency Modulation leads to Angle Modulation . Angle Modulation plays a important role in communication system its main advantage is that it provide large signal to noise ration and is less susceptible to noise . From above article we got to know about what is Angle Modulation , Frequency Modulation and Phase Modulation along with its mathematical representation , advantages , disadvantages and their applications ....

Angle Modulation – FAQs

What do you mean by Demodulation of Signal ?...