Applications Of Mutable Infrastructure

The following are the applications of mutable infrastructure:

  • Dynamic Environments: Ideal for environments where frequent changes and adaptations are necessary, such as dynamic web applications or environments with evolving requirements.
  • Customized Configurations: Suited for scenarios where tailored configurations are needed for specific tasks or applications, allowing for fine-tuning and optimization as requirements evolve.
  • Development and Testing: Mutable infrastructure is valuable during the development and testing phases of projects, enabling rapid iteration and experimentation without the need for extensive resource recreation.
  • Legacy Systems Maintenance: Useful for managing legacy systems or applications that are difficult to refactor or migrate, allowing for incremental updates and changes without disrupting ongoing operations.

What Is Mutable Infrastructure ?

Mutable infrastructure refers to an approach in cloud computing and DevOps where server configurations can be dynamically changed during runtime. It supports the modification of infrastructure components, such as servers and networks, without recreating them, allowing for increased flexibility and responsiveness to changing requirements. In this article, we discuss the complete in-out of mutable infrastructure theoretically with examples.

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