Applications of Ohm’s Law in Daily Life

Ohm’s Law can determine the voltage applied in a circuit, the value of resistance, and the current flowing through the circuit. With the help of the above three values, we can find the value of other factors like resistivity and many more. Some daily applications of Ohm’s law:

  • In fuses: In order to protect a circuit, fuses and circuit breakers are used. These are connected in series with the electrical appliances. Ohm’s law allows us to find the value of the current which could flow through the fuses. If the current value is too large, then it could damage the circuit and even lead to the explosion of the electronic device.
  • To know power consumption: The electrical heaters have a high-resistance metal coil that allows a certain amount of current to pass across them to provide the heat needed. Using this law, the power to be given to the heaters is determined.
  • To control the speed of fans: By shifting the regulator to the end from the start, we can regulate the speed of the fans in our houses. By controlling the resistance via the regulator, the current flowing through the fan is managed here. We can measure the resistance, current, and thus power flowing via Ohm’s Law for any particular value of the input.
  • For deciding the size of resistors: Electric appliances like electric kettles and irons have a lot of resistors inside them. In order to provide the necessary amount of heat, the resistors restrict the amount of current that can flow through them. By using Ohm’s law, the size of resistors included in them is defined.

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Limitations of Ohm’s Law

Ohm’s Law is a relationship between three physical phenomena: current, voltage, and resistance. This relationship was introduced by German physicist George Simon Ohm. That is why the law is well known as Ohm’s law. It states that the amount of steady current through a large number of materials is directly proportional to the potential difference, or voltage, across the materials. Thus, if the voltage V (in units of volts) between two ends of a wire made from one of these materials is tripled, the current I (in amperes) also triples; and the quotient V/I remains constant. The quotient V/I for a given piece of material is called its resistance, R, measured in units named ohms. Although, Ohm’s Law is valid to a large extent however it has some limitations. In this article we will learn in detail about Limitation’s of Ohm’s Law and its applications with having some brief introduction about the basics of Ohm’s Law. 

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