Applications of Parallel Inductor

Let us some of the applications of parallel Inductor.

  1. Parallel Inductors can be used to make oscillator circuits with variable resonant frequency. Inductors and capacitors can be used to make resonant circuits with desired frequency.
  2. Similar to series inductors, parallel circuits can also be used for making filters that block certain frequencies from passing. This is seen mostly in radio-frequency applications.
  3. Since inductors in parallel configuration have the same voltage across them therefore they are used as voltage regulator circuits to stabilize the output voltage.
  4. When parallel inductor configurations are connected to other components like motors, they can reduce the current flowing in the circuit thereby preventing the motor from getting destroyed due to any major current spike.
  5. One major application of parallel circuits is their use in fault protection. They can control the inflowing current by controlling the inductance and preventing sensitive components from getting damaged.

Series and Parallel Inductor

Inductors are an important device used in electronics engineering for circuit designing and analysis. There are different configurations in which we can place an inductor two of the most important of which are series and parallel. In this article, we will study series and parallel inductor.

We will see the inductance, current, and flux linkage in each type of circuit. We will also see the total inductance in each case and discuss the concept of mutual inductance. Later, we will study the applications of each type of circuit. We will also see some examples to enhance the understanding of the concepts. The article concludes with some frequently asked questions that readers can refer to.

Table of Content

  • Inductors in Series
  • Inductors in Parallel
  • Applications of Series Inductor
  • Applications of Parallel Inductor
  • Mutual inductance
  • Series Vs Parallel Inductor
  • Solved Examples

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