Applications of Photons

  • Photons are used in solar panels.
  • They are used as a tool in the medical field like X-Rays.
  • They are also used in the study of molecules at the micro-level like to measure the distance between the atoms.

Difference Between Photons and Phonons

Most of us get confused, when we hear the word phonon, because it is very similar to the word photon. And the question pops up in our minds: whether these two words refer to a similar thing or not. But, did you know, we are somehow partially correct? Because these two words are analogous to each other. Most of their properties are similar and represent the same thing to some extent. In this article, we will discuss both of them in detail, including their definitions, characteristics, properties, and real-life applications. We will learn that these are analogous to each other, but we will also discuss their differences. So, let’s begin…

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We know that when an electric charge accelerates, it produces electromagnetic waves, which are perpendicular to the direction of its propagation. These electromagnetic waves are energy waves, which contain some finite amount of energy, which is quantized in nature. These quanta of electromagnetic waves are known as Photons. These Photons show a dual nature, as they behave as waves when they are traveling in space and acts as a particle when they strike with any other particle. They are traveling with the is in the vacuum, hence the rest of the mass of the photon is zero....

What is Phonon?

As we discuss, that photon is a Quanta of electromagnetic wave energy. Similarly when we talk about a solid crystal, all the ions present in the crystal lattice show lattice vibrations. And these vibrations produce vibrational waves at the atomic level. This is due to the presence of an elastic spring type of bond between them. In reality, there is no such type of bond exists between the atoms, but their behavior shows the nature of an elastic spring. Initially, all the atoms are present at their lattice site or in an equilibrium state. When their equilibrium position is disturbed either due to internal or external force, two types of interaction occur between the atoms:...

Difference Between Photon and Phonon


Applications of Photons

Photons are used in solar panels. They are used as a tool in the medical field like X-Rays. They are also used in the study of molecules at the micro-level like to measure the distance between the atoms....

Applications of Phonons

It is used in the study of different properties of matter like thermal and electrical conductivity. Phonons are also used to cool down the temperatures of electronic devices by just dissipating the heat around the whole lattice....


We learned about both of the particles and get to know that, both photons and phonons are very similar to each other but with many differences between them. Both of them have their significance and applications in the real world. The photoelectric effect and Crompton effect verify the existence of photons in the world, on the other hand, many theories forcefully try to prove that without the presence of phonons, some of the phenomena in nature can never be explained, like the specific heat of solid at zero temperature is zero. With the evolution of science and technology, we hope in the future, we have some theories that will prove the existence of phonons in nature....

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.1: Does photon and phonon refers to the same thing?...