Applications of RC Circuit

Given below are Some of the Application of the RC circuit

RC High-pass and Low-pass filters

As these circuits take some time for the capacitor to charge and discharge itself they are often used as frequency filters. When the resistor is connected to the voltage source this circuits are knows as low-pass filters. When the configuration is such the capacitor will never fully charge. The capacitor will only low-frequency signals to pass through it while the high frequencies will be stopped from passing.

Low pass circuit

When the capacitor is connected directly to the source then the circuit is known as the high-pass filter. When low frequency signal is passed the reactance of the capacitor becomes high and the voltage drop across the capacitor is more as a result the low-frequency signals are not allowed to pass. Whereas incase of high frequency signals the reactance decreases allowing easy pass of high frequency signals as the capacitor will act like an short circuit.

High Pass circuit

RC coupled Amplifier

It is type of amplifier which is used for audio and low frequency applications. It has multiple stages of amplification that is connected in series and each stage is coupled using a RC Circuit. It is used for transfer of AC output of one stage to the input of the other stage and to reduce the loading effect. It is also used to provide stability to the circuit.

Single stage RC Coupled Amplifier

The input signal is given through Capacitor C1 to the base of transistor. The transistor is configured as common emitter for amplification. The capacitor is used so that it can smoothen the input signal and only allows AC signals. The resistors are used for biasing purpose so that the transistors operate in the active region. The output stage has load resistors and coupling capacitor. The amplified signal is passed through the load resistor for taking the output.

The coupling capacitor is used for blocking the DC components for next stage. The frequency response is affected by these circuits the load resistor and coupling capacitor creates a high pass filter and the cutoff frequency depends on the values of resistor and capacitance.

RC Circuit

In this article, we will discuss about RC circuits. We will discuss the main two elements of the circuit then we will look into the types of RC circuits (series and parallel). We will discuss the power in the series circuit and their equations. We will then look into the step response which includes the forced and natural response. We will also discuss the charging and discharging of the circuit. Later in the article, we will discuss some applications of RC circuits.

Table of Content

  • RC Circuit
  • Charging of Capacitor
  • Time Constant
  • Types
  • Step Response
  • RC Circuit Charging
  • RC Circuit Discharging
  • Applications
  • Solved Examples

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