Applications of Semiconductor

Semiconductor materials are very useful in our everyday live below are some common examples-

  • Computers: The chips and microprocessors which are called the core of computer are made of of semiconductors. These are the parts which helps the computers in processing data. Complex operations are not possible without these chips.
  • Use in electronic devices: Basic electronic devices which we use such as Switches, electric circuits, diodes, transistors are made using semiconductors
  • Light-emitting diodes (LEDs): LEDs are used in home for lightning these are semiconductor devices which produce light when current is passed through them. LEDs are used in everyday lighting applications, including energy-efficient bulbs for homes and offices, as well as in traffic signals, vehicle headlights, and electronic displays.
  • Wearable Technology: The wearable devices such as smart watches now in latest smart rings have been built they are only possible using semiconductor technology. Because in them microprocessor chips are used which can be made using semiconductors
  • Home Automation: Semiconductors are a crucial part of home automation systems, allowing for smart home devices like smart thermostats, smart lighting, smart security cameras, and voice-activated virtual assistants.


A Semiconductor is a kind of material that performs conductivity between conductors and insulators and has a conductivity value that lies between the conductor and an insulator.

In this article, we will be going through semiconductors, first, we will start our article with the introduction of the semiconductor, then we will go through holes and electrons with band gap theory, and after that we will go through properties and types of semiconductors, At last, we will conclude our article with solved examples, applications and advantages with some FAQs.

Table of Content

  • Holes and Electrons
  • Direct and Indirect Band Gap Semiconductors
  • Properties of Semiconductor
  • Types of Semiconductor
  • Intrinsic Vs Extrinsic Semiconductors
  • Applications of Semiconductor
  • Advantages of Semiconductor
  • Disadvantages of Semiconductor
  • Examples of Semiconductor

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he chemical and electrical properties of Semiconductors help them to serve for the electronic devices LEDs , solar cell, etc. Without the use of the semiconductors, life would be complex and different. Semiconductor material the main reason behind them is they have moderate and controlled conductivity which can be changed by doping. Semiconductors have unique properties which make it favorable for making a lot of devices from them....

Semiconductor – FAQs

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