Applications of SQL RIGHT JOIN

  • Allows to merge data from different tables in database.
  • A RIGHT JOIN ensures that all records from the right table are included in the result, even if there are no corresponding matches in the left table
  • Allows to look for missing values in one of the table. For example, combining customer and orders table allows to look at customers and their orders.
  • Useful in finding patterns and relations between data.


SQL RIGHT JOIN returns all records from the right table, and the matching records from the left table in the results set.

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Applications of SQL RIGHT JOIN

Allows to merge data from different tables in database.A RIGHT JOIN ensures that all records from the right table are included in the result, even if there are no corresponding matches in the left tableAllows to look for missing values in one of the table. For example, combining customer and orders table allows to look at customers and their orders.Useful in finding patterns and relations between data....

Important Points About SQL RIGHT JOIN

Right JOIN allows to join two table, keeping all the data or right table and only matching data of left table.Right JOIN is a type of outer join in SQL.It allows us to deal with missing values in database and also helps in analyzing relationships between data....