Applications of Stack in C

Stack is widely used for Following are some common applications of Stack:

  • Stacks are commonly used to evaluate postfix expressions. It is also used in infix to postfix conversion.
  • It is used in recursion where a different stack is allocated for every recursive call.
  • It is used in browsers to provide the backward and forward functionality.
  • It is also used in text editor, image editors to provide the undo and redo funtionality.
  • It is used in various algorithms in computer science.

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Implement a Stack in C Programming

Stack is the linear data structure that follows the Last in, First Out(LIFO) principle of data insertion and deletion. It means that the element that is inserted last will be the first one to be removed and the element that is inserted first will be removed at last. Think of it as the stack of plates stacked on top of one another where we can only add or remove the top plate.

Stacks are widely used in programming for tasks like expression evaluation, function call management, and backtracking algorithms. In this article, we will learn how to implement a stack in the C programming language. We will also look at some of its basic operations along with their time and space complexity analysis.

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