Applying the Central Limit Theorem in R

To illustrate the Central Limit Theorem in R, we’ll follow these steps:

1. Generate a Non-Normally Distributed Population

Let’s start by creating a population that is not normally distributed. We’ll use a random sample from a uniform distribution as an example.


# Generate a non-normally distributed population
population <- runif(1000, min = 0, max = 1)
# Create a histogram of the population
hist(population, breaks = 20, probability = TRUE, main = "Histogram with Density Curve")



Population Distributioins

2. Draw Random Samples

Next, we’ll draw multiple random samples from this population. The sample size should be large enough for the CLT to hold (typically, a sample size of at least 30 is considered ).


# Set the sample size and number of samples
sample_size <- 20
num_samples <- 500
# Draw random samples
samples <- replicate(num_samples, sample(population, size = sample_size,replace = TRUE))


3. Check mean and Variance of Sample Mean and Populations


# Calculate sample means
sample_means <- colMeans(samples)
# FOr sample
x_bar <- mean(sample_means)
std <- sd(sample_means)
print('Sample Mean and Variance')
# For Population
mu <- mean(population)
sigma <- sd(population)
print('Population Mean and Variance')



[1] "Sample Mean and Variance"
[1] 0.4887697
[1] 0.003808397
[1] "Population Mean and Variance"
[1] 0.4882555
[1] 0.004246579

4. Plot the Sample distributions

Plot a histogram of the sample means to observe the distribution.


# Visualize the sample means
hist(sample_means, breaks = 15, prob = TRUE, main = "Distribution of Sample Means",
     xlab = "Sample Mean")
# Distribution Curve
curve(dnorm(x, mean = x_bar, sd = std), col = "Black", lwd = 2, add = TRUE)



Distribution of Sample Means

The resulting plot show that the distribution of sample means closely follows a normal distribution, even though the original population was not normally distributed. This is a direct demonstration of the Central Limit Theorem in action.

Example 2: Central limit theorem in R


# Set the random seed for reproducibility
# Generate a non-normally distributed population
population <- runif(5000, min = 0, max = 1)
# Create a histogram of the population
par(mfrow = c(1, 2))  # Set up a 1x2 grid for plotting
# Plot the histogram of the population
hist(population, breaks = 30, prob = TRUE, main = "Population Distribution",
     xlab = "Value", col = "lightblue")
# Step 2 and 3: Draw random samples and calculate sample means
sample_size <- 30
num_samples <- 300
# Empty vector to store sample means
sample_means <- c()
for (i in 1:num_samples) {
  # Take a random sample
  sample <- sample(population, size = sample_size, replace = TRUE)
  # Calculate the mean of the sample
  sample_means[i] <- mean(sample)
# For sample
x_bar <- mean(sample_means)
std <- sd(sample_means)
print('Sample Mean and Variance')
# For Population
mu <- mean(population)
sigma <- sd(population)
print('Population Mean and Variance')
# Plot the histogram of sample means
hist(sample_means, breaks = 30, prob = TRUE, main = "Distribution of Sample Means",
     xlab = "Sample Mean", col = "lightgreen")
# Overlay density curves
curve(dnorm(x, mean = x_bar, sd = std), col = "black", lwd = 2, add = TRUE)
# Add labels and legends
legend("topright", legend = c("Distribution Curve"),
       col = c("black"), lwd = 2)
# Reset the plot layout
par(mfrow = c(1, 1))



[1] "Sample Mean and Variance"
[1] 0.5010222
[1] 0.002745131
[1] "Population Mean and Variance"
[1] 0.5031668
[1] 0.002823829

Population and Sample DIstributions PLot

Central limit theorem in R

The Central Limit Theorem (CLT) is like a special rule in statistics. It says that if you gather a bunch of data and calculate the average, even if the original data doesn’t look like a neat bell-shaped curve, the averages of those groups will start to look like one if you have enough data.

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