Applying the MAYA Principle in Your Daily Design Work

1. Understanding the Audience:

Use research to identify the aspirations, behaviors, and needs of your audience and form a laser-like focus on them. Through this practice, it is possible to detect users’ reactions, orders, and sellers’ views. This enables an in-depth knowledge of the user’s expectations.

2. Identifying Essential Components:

Be instrumented by placing yourself in the users’ shoes and better judge which components and features you should keep as basic ones and which should be eliminated so as to create an innovative yet user-friendly interface. To commence the process, begin with the identification of the constraints of the basic design principles and then push these limits forward using them as leverage.

3. Iterative Design Process:

Take an exploration tour of unique thinking, incorporating thresholds of your imagination as well as the use of new interaction models and illustrative items that will manifest your ideas and forms. Look at the MAYA principle through the lens of any design concept to see if it is in the right middle of the range from uniqueness and acceptance.

4. Prototyping and Testing:

Make prototypes of your designs and perform testing rigorously to allow you to write down responses made by users. Iteratively alter the interface using the fedback until you get the right level between caution and innovation.

The MAYA Principle in UI/UX

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Benefits of MAYA Principle in UI/UX Design

Enhanced User Engagement: Designing with MAYA principle, to simply put, involves pleasing to the eyes and everything that eases the cognition to have desired user experience. Improved User Satisfaction: Maintaining the fine line of familiarity, with the aspect of creativity in mind, gives the user the comfortable feeling as well as a sense of control, thus boosting the satisfaction level of the interface. Increased User Adoption: UNcertain interfaces having the right balance of what is new and what is already known have an increased possibility in attracting and holding on to users and also consequently achieving improved adoption rates. Competitive Advantage: Innovative designs that include levels of creativity with a quality touch can make a company the market leader and set the benchmark in the market. Cost Efficiency: Developing UIs (user interfaces) that are smart and simple in use results in less demand for thorough user training and support, thereby reducing expenditure on employees’ training and support for the business in a long-run perspective....

Examples of the MAYA Principle

Apple’s classic iPhone initially shook the smartphone industry by implementing the multi-touch screen which together with app management the industry continues to evolve. In fact, the interface of the iPhone, which was not less fantastic than its elegant appearance, was easy to use and consequently was well adopted by the common users. Goggle Material Design is a window on the future since it combines modern approach with familiar humanity. As opposed to the Material Design which is based on skeuomorphism and includes motion and depth effects, the flat design applies few or even no gradients and highlights the digital context by playing with fonts. The system and operation of Netflix is constantly changing to satisfy the taste of the users who like different things at different times. Personalization suggests the videos to watch and makes content discovery simple, thus strikes the balance between novelty and traditional stuff to keep users on Netflix entertained....


In the end, the MAYA principle can serve as a compass that points designers of the UI/UX in the direction of complicated solutions that are simple in their implementation. It is possible that through the process of emphasizing user needs, putting together iterative designs, as well as being creative in approach, designers can make interfaces that would be both functional and acceptable to users. The world without doubts keeps becoming more digitalized and this very fact, i.e. the MAYA principle remains fundamental, making experiences significant and improving the quality of interactions on the web versions....