Approach 2 : Using Pure JavaScript

  • In this approach, Create a function queryString(url) that extracts and decodes query parameters using pure JavaScript.
  • Split the URL, parse query string, and store key-value pairs.
  • Return the parameters object.

Example: This example shows the use of the above-explained approach.


function queryString(url) {
    const str1 = url.split('?')[1];
    const params = {};
    if (str1) {
        const pairs = str1.split('&');
        for (const pair of pairs) {
            const [key, value] = pair.split('=');
            params[key] = decodeURIComponent(value
                          .replace(/\+/g, ' '));
    return params;
const urlStr = 
const result = queryString(urlStr);


{ param1: 'w3wiki', param2: 'Noida' }

JavaScript Program to get Query String Values

Getting query string values in JavaScript refers to extracting parameters from a URL after the “?” symbol. It allows developers to capture user input or state information passed through URLs for dynamic web content and processing within a web application.

Table of Content

  • Using URLSearchParams
  • Using Pure JavaScript

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