Converting Numbers to Strings

  • Convert both numbers to strings using the toString() method.
  • Get the last character (digit) of each string using the slice() method.
  • Compare the last digits using the ===.
  • Return true if the last digits are the same, otherwise return false.


string.slice(startIndex, endIndex);


// Define function to check if two numbers have the same last digit
function haveSameLastDigit(num1, num2) { 
    // Getting last digit using "toString" and "slice" methods
    const lastDigit1 = num1.toString().slice(-1); 
    const lastDigit2 = num2.toString().slice(-1); 

    // Return if last digits are same or not 
    return lastDigit1 === lastDigit2; 

// Define two numbers
const number1 = 123; 
const number2 = 453; 

// Calling function with arguments 
const result = haveSameLastDigit(number1, number2); 

// Output the result


JavaScript Program to Check if Two Numbers have Same Last Digit

In this article, we will discuss how to check if two numbers have the same last digit in JavaScript. Checking the last digit of a number is a common requirement in programming tasks, and it can be useful in various scenarios. We will explore an approach using JavaScript to accomplish this task.

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Approach 1: Using the Modulus Operator (%)

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Approach 2: Converting Numbers to Strings

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Approach 4: Using the Bitwise AND Operator

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