Approach / Functionalities

  • Input fields for the vector and scaling factor
  • Error message display if any input field is empty
  • Calculation of the scaled vector when the “Calculate” button is clicked
  • Display of the result in the result input field

Design a Vector Scaling Calculator in Tailwind CSS

The Vector Scaling Calculator is a web application that allows users to input a vector and a scaling factor and then calculate the scaled vector by multiplying each component of vector by the scaling factor.

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Approach / Functionalities:

Input fields for the vector and scaling factorError message display if any input field is emptyCalculation of the scaled vector when the “Calculate” button is clickedDisplay of the result in the result input field...

Steps to Create & Configure the Project

Set up a new HTML file.Link Tailwind CSS for the styling.Create input fields for the vector and scale factor.Write JavaScript logic to the calculate the scaled vector.Display the result on the page.Implement validation to the ensure both inputs are provided before calculation....