Print All Digits of a Number using String Conversion

One simple approach to print all digits of a given number is to convert the number to a string and then iterate over each character (digit) in the string.


function printDigits($number) {
    $digits = str_split((string)$number);
    foreach ($digits as $digit) {
        echo $digit . " ";

// Driver Code
$num = 12345;


1 2 3 4 5 

PHP Program to Print All Digits of a Given Number

Given a number, the task is to print all digits of the given number in PHP. There are various methods to print all digits of the given number, we will cover each approach with explanations and examples.

Table of Content

  • Using String Conversion
  • Using Modulus Operator (%)
  • Using Recursion
  • Using Array and Loop

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