How to useBitwise Operators in Javascript

In this approach, we are using the bitwise operation of the right shift. Here, we have to use the bitwise right shift (>>) and simple arithmetic operations to find the maximum number of pieces in N cuts.


operand1 >> operand2

Example: In this example, we will be printing the Maximum number of pieces in N cuts using bitwise operations.


let input = 7;
let hCuts = input >> 1;
let vCuts = input - hCuts;
let result = (hCuts + 1) * (vCuts + 1);
    "Max pieces for n = " + input + " is " + result);


Max pieces for n = 7 is 20

JavaScript Program to Find Maximum Number of Pieces in N Cuts

We have given a square piece and the total number of cuts available (n), we need to write a JavaScript program to print the maximum number of pieces of equal size that can be obtained with the n cuts. Horizontal and Vertical cuts are allowed. We have given the example for better understanding.


Input : n = 7
Output : 20

Table of Content

  • Using parseInt() Method
  • Using Bitwise Operators
  • Using Looping
  • Using Recursive Function

So, let’s see each of the approaches with its implementation.

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