How to useMoment.js Library in Javascript

Moment.js is a javascript library which is used to validate the Date. It has a function “moment” which can two aruments and it returns true if the date argument matches to the formate arument else it will return false.

Syntax :

 moment(date , format).isValid();


moment(date: String).isValid()

Example: This describes how to validate string date format using moment library in JavaScript.

// Importing moment into js file
const moment = require('moment');

// Function for validation of date format
function isValidDate(dateString, format) {
    return moment(dateString, format, true).isValid();

let Date1 = "2023-04-15";
let Date2 = "15-04-2023";

// Displaying the output
// Output: true
console.log(isValidDate(Date1, "YYYY-MM-DD"));

// Output: false
console.log(isValidDate(Date2, "YYYY-MM-DD"));



How to Validate String Date Format in JavaScript ?

Validating string date format in JavaScript involves verifying if a given string conforms to a specific date format, such as YYYY-MM-DD or MM/DD/YYYY. This ensures the string represents a valid date before further processing or manipulation.

There are many ways by which we can validate whether the Date format is correct or not, Let’s discuss each of them one by one.

Table of Content

  • Using the Date.parse() inbuild function
  • Using Regular expression
  • Using instanceof Operator
  • Using Method
  • Using Moment.js Library

We will explore all the above methods along with their basic implementation with the help of examples.

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