How to usereduce() method and an array in Javascript

In this approach, we’ll convert the string into an array of characters, then use the reduce method to place each character into its correct position in a new array, maintaining alphabetical order. Finally, we’ll convert the sorted array back to a string.


  • Convert the string into an array using the split() method.
  • Use the reduce() method to iterate through the characters, inserting each character into its correct position in a new sorted array.
  • Convert the sorted array back to a string using the join() method.


In this example, we’ll implement the above approach.

function sortAlpha(word) {
    return word.split("").reduce((sortedArr, char) => {
        let index = sortedArr.findIndex(c => c > char);
        if (index === -1) {
        } else {
            sortedArr.splice(index, 0, char);
        return sortedArr;
    }, []).join("");

let randomWord = "sdfjwefic";


Sort a string alphabetically using a function in JavaScript

Sort a string alphabetically by creating a user-defined function to perform sorting. This function is useful when we receive a random set of characters as a string and we want it to be sorted in an alphabetical manner. To perform this task we will use multiple inbuilt methods and combine them to create a helper function.

These are the following methods:

Table of Content

  • Using split() method, sort() method and join() method
  • Using spread operator, sort() method and localeCompare()
  • Using Lodash _.sortBy() Method

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